2012年5月8日下午,著名动画家、原上海美术电影制片厂厂长张松林先生在上海突发脑梗去世,享年80岁。张老一生心血倾注于中国动画事业,参与过200 多部动画片的创作。 张松林1932年出生于上海,攻读于颜文樑创办的苏州美术专科学校,1950年开始从事动画工作,导演的动画片《没头脑和不高兴》、《蜜蜂和蚯蚓》、《小燕子》、《谁的本领大》,以及担任责任编辑的动画片《哪吒闹海》、《三个和尚》、《三毛流浪记》等均在国际和国内多次获奖。80年代以来,张松林担任了《熊猫京京》、《太阳之子》、《京娃儿和兔爷儿》、《西游记》等多部动画片的艺术总监和策划统筹,屡获大奖。 除动画作品外,张松林在动画理论和美术创作上也有所贡献,曾参与《中国大百科全书》电影卷、《当代中国》电影卷、《电影艺术词典》、《中国电影年鉴》等辞书的撰稿和编辑工作,并发表论文40余篇。他还出版过连环画《企鹅的故事》、年画《一只口袋》等图书数十种。个人事迹曾入编《中国电影家列传》。 Famous Chinese animator Zhang Songlin, 80, died Tuesday afternoon due to a sudden brain infarction。 Zhang, born in Shanghai in 1932, became known for such classics as "The Brainless and The Unhappy" and Chinese traditional ink-painting cartoon "A Little Swallow" in the 1960s。 The artist participated in the creation of 200 episodes of various Chinese cartoons and won awards domestically and abroad. He was a director, scriptwriter, and art director with the Shanghai Animation Film Studio. In 1985, he helped to found China Animation Association, where he remained an honorary president。 Zhang also contributed to cartoon chapters for various Chinese dictionary tomes such as "Encyclopedia of China," "Motion Picture Art Dictionary" and "China Film Yearbook." 网友评论