
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月10日 15:53   中国网

China's health authorities said Tuesday that medications made from human remains were not found in the country.  China's health authorities said Tuesday that medications made from human remains were not found in the country.

  China's health authorities said Tuesday that medications made from human remains were not found in the country, but they will further investigate the matter, Xinhua reported. Deng Haihua, spokesman with the Ministry of Health, made the remarks in response to media reports that so-called "health capsules" made with aborted fetuses were smuggled into the Republic of Korea from China。

  China has strict rules on the disposal of the remains of dead infants, aborted fetuses and placentas, which are categorized as human remains and banned from being disposed of as medical waste. Medical institutions and their staff are forbidden to trade human remains, including placentas。





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