双语萌宠:你的“瞌睡虫”传染给狗狗了吗(图) Dogs can 'catch' yawns from humans -- but it seems to work best when there's a bond between dog and man。
Dogs can "catch" yawns from humans, the Daily Mail reported。 A study found that nearly half of all dogs yawned when played a recording of a human being making such a noise。 But when the yawn played belonged to their owners, the canines were five times more likely than if the voice belonged to a stranger。 (点击《每日邮报》查看原文) 据英国《每日邮报》报道,狗能够被人“传染”打呵欠。 研究称,近一半的狗在播放人类打呵欠录音时,也会被传染打呵欠。 但是,狗被主人传染打呵欠的几率是狗被陌生人传染打呵欠的几率的5倍。 网友评论