
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月15日 10:18   中国网
Last Sunday, Gac Filipaj, a 52-year-old janitor, donned a cap and gown to graduate with a bachelor's degree in classics from Columbia University where he worked. [Agencies]  Last Sunday, Gac Filipaj, a 52-year-old janitor, donned a cap and gown to graduate with a bachelor's degree in classics from Columbia University where he worked. [Agencies]

  Last Sunday, Gac Filipaj, a 52-year-old janitor, donned a cap and gown to graduate with a bachelor's degree in classics from Columbia University where he worked, AP reported。

  Filipaj, a Yugoslavian refugee, didn't have to pay for his classes. It took him twelve years of studying to graduate with honors, with his study program including readings in ancient Latin and Greek。

  For years, he studied late into the night in his Bronx apartment, where he'd open his books after a 2:30-11 p.m. shift. Before exam time or in order to finish a paper, he'd pull all-nighters, go to class in the morning and continue on to work after。

  His ambition now is to get a master's degree, maybe even a Ph.D., in Roman and Greek classics。







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