
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月15日 10:57   沪江英语
rad Pitt was just announced as the new face of Chanel No. 5.rad Pitt was just announced as the new face of Chanel No. 5.

  Brad Pitt is keeping busy amidst all the wedding planning — the actor was just announced as the new face of Chanel No. 5. The French fashion house confirmed the news to PEOPLE earlier this morning。

  The Academy Award-nominated star is reportedly shooting his first ad in London sometime this week, according to E! News。

  It’s the first time in history that the house has chosen a man to represent the fragrance. Pitt joins the likes of Nicole Kidman, Vanessa Paradis, Audrey Tautou, Ali MacGraw and Lauren Hutton。

  According to reports, Pitt will be paid seven figures for his work; his ad will be released overseas later this year。



  香奈儿五号作为一款传奇香水品牌,是玛丽莲•梦露曾唯一“穿着”就寝的东西。继她和无数漂亮女星垂青香奈儿五号之后,法国时尚界的嗅觉随着时间开始改变。除去玛丽莲•梦露那次非正式的代言之外,深受法国观众喜欢、代表法国式高雅女性的凯瑟琳•德纳芙(Catherine Deneuve)和奥斯卡影后妮可•基德曼(NicoleKidman)也曾先后为该品牌代言。



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