
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月16日 11:12   沪江英语

  She's the polar cub whose bear necessities stretch to a spot of yoga in the morning。每天早上,这只北极熊幼崽做着必备的伸展运动,就好像在做瑜伽。

  Caught in this set of endearing pictures, the five-month-old is seen stretching her legs and balancing on her paws in what could easily be part of a gym routine。在这些惹人喜爱的照片中,这只五个月大的北极熊幼崽在伸展她的腿,用双掌保持平衡,这些动作我们经常可以在体操训练中看到。

  She then turns on her back and stretches the same leg as if she is preparing for a big burnout or a chilled yoga session。接着她转过身,又伸展着同一条腿,就好像是在为做一套能让她精疲力尽的瑜伽做准备活动。


  However, she soon wears herself out and slumps against her gigantic mother Simka for a short nap。但很快,她就精疲力尽地躺下来靠着她身材庞大的母亲Simka打盹。

  The unnamed cub, one of a set of triplets born late last year, was photographed by Olga Gladysheva at Moscow Zoo last month。这只还没有名字的幼崽,是去年底诞下的三胞胎中的一只。这些照片是上个月摄影师Olga Gladysheva在莫斯科动物园拍下的。

  She said: I caught the moment when the cub started to do aerobics and everybody who saw it laughed。摄影师说:“当这只幼崽开始做健美操的时候我按下了快门,当时在场的所有人看到幼崽的样子都笑了。”


  The kids were born at the end of last year and when they grow up they do the most amusing things。“这些幼崽是去年底出生的,随着他们的成长他们会做这些有趣的事情。”

  I have seen them do this a few times and with this girl cub it's always the same stretch, she seems to love it。“我看到这些北极熊幼崽多次做这些类似瑜珈的动作,而这只雌幼崽总是做同样的伸展动作,看起来她很喜欢这个动作。”

  'I took the shots around 10 metres away. The mother and her three kids were in some really interesting poses in just the half an hour while they were out in the sun。“我在离北极熊十米远的地方拍下了照片。母亲和她的三个幼崽出来晒太阳时,总是在短短半个小时时间里,摆出各种有趣的姿势。”


  Right now the cubs are starting to swim and it's very funny to watch them. I hope I'll see even more interesting poses as the months go on this year and they head towards adulthood。“刚才这些幼崽准备游泳,他们的样子非常有趣。我希望随着岁月流逝他们逐渐长大,我可以看见更多更有趣的姿势。”

  The aerobics always seem to happen after sleeping, often during the day. Afterwards the kids start to play and then sometimes the aerobics start. It's fascinating to watch。“在白天睡足之后,这些幼崽总是会做健美操。当幼崽们开始玩耍,有时健美操就开始了。看他们做操是一件奇妙的事。”

  Simka does very interesting aerobics for her neck every day but the cubs aren't repeating it just yet。“母熊Simka每天都会用她的脖子做操,但幼崽们目前还没有模仿过他们的母亲。”

  The cubs are the offspring of Simka and male bear Vrangel。这些幼崽是母熊Simka和公熊Vrangel的诞下的后代。



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