职场英语:十四招教你有效排解工作压力(图)![]() We all had long months of overtime, sleepless nights, terribly high stress level and very high responsibility pressure. We were carrying the burden of high expectations and the fear of failure on our shoulders. As a result, once in a while, one of us was losing control and breaking into tears with no particular reason。 我们都经历过数月的超时工作、无数个无眠之夜,承受过重大责任和压力。我们肩负着太多期望,害怕失败。所以有些时候,我们会再也承受不住,莫名落泪。 Of course, this was an exceptional period. But even in normal working days there are many annoying moments, stressful situations and problems waiting for your solutions. It’s a challenge to keep your high spirit and stay sane in stressful working days。 自然这些都不是常态。可即便在正常情况下,你也会遇到不少烦心的时刻、棘手的问题。要在压力重重的工作中保持积极状态,绝对是个挑战。 Here are some easy tips I used in order to avoid another weeping session in the office bathroom. And guess what? They worked! 下面是我自己用来避免躲在公司洗手间抹眼泪的小意见。很有用哦! Don’t go to sleep too late – when you don’t get enough sleep at night there is a big chance that you will feel tired and irritated the next day。 一、不熬夜。如果晚上没睡好,第二天你很可能无精打采、闷闷不乐。 Wake up with a smile – simply convince yourself that it’s going to be a really nice day. In the worst case it won’t, but on the other hand if you start off with a gloomy mood, the day will definitely be terrible. So you’ve got nothing to lose, right? 二、醒来给自己一个微笑。告诉自己今天会是美好的一天;万一事与愿违,而你又哭丧着脸,那这一天肯定会过得很糟。微笑又不赔本,对不对? Have a mini-work out – I know it’s very difficult to start a work out when you are sleepy and have a busy working day ahead. But have at least 10-15 minutes stretching and you will feel much better。 三、稍微运动运动。我知道,当你又累又有一大堆工作要做时,很难去锻炼身体。但是,至少留10-15分钟伸伸胳膊踢踢腿,这样也能赶走疲劳。 Take a shower – this will freshen you up and make you feel completely awake and positive. It will also relax your muscles after the work out。 四、冲个澡。这能让你神清气爽、打起精神,也可以放松你运动后的肌肉。 Have a healthy breakfast – I have heard this a thousand times and I know it’s true. And I never had breakfast before going to work. That’s very unfortunate because whenever I had unplanned early morning meeting or urgent issue to deal with all I could do was regret that I did not have breakfast. As a result my mood was spoiled。 五、吃营养早餐。这话我已经听烂了,但很管用。以前我上班从不吃早餐,一遇到额外会议或紧急情况要处理,我就后悔莫及,整个心情全毁了。 Make a to do list – Yes, lists are very important. They help you visualize how much work you have for the day as well as not forget anything. Having your work volume right in front of you will help you implement effective time management。 六、制定任务清单。列出要做的事情很重要。这让你对当天工作一目了然,以免遗漏。将这些工作内容放在眼前,这样执行起来更有效。 Squeeze time for lunch– yes, you are too busy. Yes you do not have time for lunch….but, if you don’t eat when you are hungry, your work will be extremely unproductive and most of it won’t be done anyway。 七、挤时间吃午饭。是的,你很忙,连吃午饭的时间都没有……但是,如果你饿着不吃饭,工作效率会很低,很多任务也难以完成。 Take your laptop to meetings– let’s face it, there are many meetings which are boring and don’t specifically address your projects. There are times when you have urgent burning issues which you can’t solve because of your obligatory presence on that dull meeting. Take your laptop and work on the urgent presentation of yours while they discuss things, which you can read later in filtered meeting minutes。 八、开会带上笔记本。不得不承认,很多会议不仅无聊,对你的具体工作也没实际帮助。由于不得不参加某个沉闷的会议,你无法处理眼前十万火急的问题。所以,带上笔记本电脑,趁别人讨论时忙自己的事吧。至于讨论结果,会后自然见晓。 Think of the bright spot of the day– I am sure that work is not your whole life. After work you definitely have something nice to do – whether it’s going home and enjoying family, having dinner out, meeting friends or having guests. When things get really bad, think that just in a few hours you will be doing the pleasant thing you have planned for today and it will be easy to carry on。 九、想点开心的事情。我敢肯定,工作绝不是你生活的全部。下班后,你肯定也有好玩的事情,比如,陪陪家人、出去吃饭、呼朋唤友或宴请客人。工作不顺心时,想想几个小时后就能做计划好的开心事,你会淡定得多。 Do the most irritating things first – choose the most depressing things from your to do list and do them first. While you have energy you will cope with them easier and you will have less stressful tasks for the rest of the day。 十、先做最难的部分。选出工作中最烦心的部分,第一个解决掉。精力充沛时,处理这种事比较容易;接下来的任务也会轻松得多。 Don’t accumulate unanswered emails– make sure you reply to emails as they come. Have it as an ongoing thing in between tasks. That will help you avoid the “email duty” before you leave work for home。 十一、不要积压邮件。确保邮件一来就回复,并在工作间隙时常查看。这样你就不必下班前赶着回复当日邮件了。 Cheer up your desk – have something nice/cute/funny/positive on your desk because it will make you smile each time you look at it. During the day look at this thing and forget about the problem for a few seconds。 十二、让你的办公桌活泼起来。桌上放个或可爱或有趣的物件吧。这样,每次你看到它都会情不自禁微笑。不经意间看到它,可以让你暂时忘却工作烦恼。 Make a phone call – no matter how busy you are you can always find a few minutes to call the ones you love. Those few minutes will charge you up with positive feelings and remind that work is not your whole life, but just part of it。 十三、打个电话。不管多忙,你总能抽几分钟时间给爱人打个电话吧。这几分钟可以让你乐观起来,提醒自己工作只是生活的一部分,不是全部。 Music in your ears – If you do not have your separate office, noise, conversations and ringing phones may get on your nerves when you need to concentrate. Put on the headphones, tune into your most productive music and concentrate on your task。 十四、听听音乐。如果你没有自己单独的办公室却又必须专心做事,周围的噪音、谈话声或电话铃声可能会让你头疼不已。那么,你可以戴上耳麦,调到最能提高你效率的音乐,然后再专心工作。 For many people full time work is part of every day life. We just need to make sure that it does not affect negatively our health, family and life balance。对很多人而言,工作是日常生活的重要部分。所以,必须避免工作消极影响我们的健康、家庭及生活平衡。 网友评论