
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月18日 18:16   沪江英语
我是传奇 I Am Legend (2007)我是传奇 I Am Legend (2007)

  我是传奇 I Am Legend (2007)

  导演: 弗朗西斯·劳伦斯

  编剧: Mark Protosevich / 阿齐瓦·高斯曼

  主演: 威尔·史密斯 / 艾莉丝·布拉加 / Charlie Tahan / 达什·米霍克 / 莎莉·理查德森

  类型: 剧情 / 科幻 / 惊悚

  语言: 英语

  上映日期: 2007-12-14

  2012年,人类被不知名病毒感染,纽约成为一座空城。Robert Neville(Will Smith 饰)是为军方服务的科学家,也是对病毒有免疫力的幸存者。白天,他带着狗Sam在街道上寻找食物,用广播寻找幸存者,在实验室里研究治愈病毒的方法;晚上,他只能躲在屋子里,因为那些感染病毒而没有死亡的人们,成为了“夜魔”只能夜晚出来活动,丧失理智,会攻击所有的人。

  某天,Sam也感染病毒死去,Robert Neville陷入了前所未有的孤独。当他准备和“夜魔”们同归于尽的时候,另外一个幸存者Anna(Alice Braga 饰)救了他。Anna相信山上的隔离区还有幸存者,但是固执的Robert Neville却坚持守在纽约。

  又一个晚上,“夜魔”攻击Robert Neville的住所,此时他的研究已经获得成功,但是只有坚持到天亮,人类才能得以延存。



  Anna: The world is quieter now. We just have to listen. If we listen, we can hear God's plan。

  Neville: God's plan。

  Anna: Yeah。

  Neville: All right, let me tell you about your "God's plan". Six billion people on Earth when the infection

  hit. KV had a ninety-percent kill rate, that's five point four billion people dead. Crashed and bled out. Dead. Less than one-percent immunity. That left twelve million healthy people, like you, me, and Ethan. The other five hundred and eighty-eight million turned into your dark seekers, and then they got hungry and they killed and fed on everybody. Everybody! Every *single* person that you or I has ever known is dead! Dead! There is no god! 

全民情敌 Hitch (2005)全民情敌 Hitch (2005)

  全民情敌 Hitch (2005)

  导演: Andy Tennant

  编剧: Kevin Bisch

  主演: 威尔·史密斯 / 伊娃·门德斯 / 凯文·詹姆斯 / 安贝·瓦莱塔

  类型: 喜剧 / 爱情

  语言: 英语

  上映日期: 2005-02-11

  希什(威尔•史密斯 Will Smith 饰)十分准确的把握了男性的弱点:他们在求爱的时候由于过分迫切想得到对方好感,反而会表现笨拙失去魅力。而希什掌握了一套完整的独家的理论,可以帮助男士在头三次约会时候就成功俘获对方的心,这套谋略全面实用,令约会期间的就餐、牵手、接吻,有了指导细则。

  这次希什的客户是胖男人阿伯特(凯文•詹姆斯 Kevin James饰)。他生性温顺,却爱上了当红女明星。于是对阿伯特的一番彻底改造在所难免。更重要的是,他竟然在工作中爱上了女明星的跟班记者莎拉(伊娃•门德斯 Eva Mendes饰)。这个自己感情一直空缺的约会指南者,开始尝到爱的气息。但是,好像现实中的爱跟他平时设计的并不一样。屡试不爽的爱情法则,在他身上反而失了灵。也许,他的爱情学问还远远不够精通。



  Hitch: Basic principles: no woman wakes up saying, "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today!" Now, she might say, "This is a really bad time for me," or something like, "I just need some space," or my personal favorite, "I'm really into my career right now." You believe that? Neither does she. You know why? Because she's lying to you, that's why. You understand me? Lying! It's not a bad time for her. She doesn't need any space. And she may be into her career, but what she's really saying is, "Uh, get away from me now," or possibly, "Try harder, stupid." But which one is it? Sixty percent of all human communication is nonverbal, body language; thirty percent is your tone. So that means that ninety percent of what you're saying ain't coming out of your mouth. Of course she's going to lie to you! She's a nice person. She doesn't want to hurt your feelings. What else she going to say? She doesn't even know you... yet. Luckily, the fact is that just like the rest of us, even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it, and that's where I come in. My job is to open her eyes. Basic principles: no matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom。

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