
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月21日 14:02   中国网
Oleg Vedernikov refused to withdraw his bare feet placed on the front seatback, and insulted a women passenger in Chinese on May 14, 2012.  Oleg Vedernikov refused to withdraw his bare feet placed on the front seatback, and insulted a women passenger in Chinese on May 14, 2012.

  A China-stationed Russian cellist who harassed a Chinese woman passenger and insulted her on a train has been suspended from his orchestra, the Beijing Times reported. Oleg Vedernikov is currently chief cellist with the Beijing Symphony Orchestra. On a Beijing-bound train from Shenyang on May 14, Vedernikov refused to withdraw his bare feet placed on the front seatback, and insulted a women passenger in Chinese。

  A nearby passenger filmed the whole incident and put the footage on web, which later ignited public anger. Under pressure, Vedernikov and the orchestra have both issued statements of apology. The musician has been suspended from work, pending further punishment。





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