Do you want to have good, high-quality ideas? In this age of knowledge, having good ideas can separate you from others and put you ahead of the pack。 你是不是想有高质量的好创意?在这个知识经济的时代里,拥有好点子就能使你从芸芸众生中脱颖而出。 But how can we get high-quality ideas? As it turns out, a great way to get high-quality ideas is to have a lot of ideas。 但是如何产生高质量的创意呢?答案是:先要有很多点子,然后从中才会产生好点子。 So here is a tip for finding good ideas: Produce more ideas. Simple, isn’t it? The more ideas you produce, the more likely you will find high-quality ones. Here are several ways to produce more ideas: 所以想要有好点子的一个方法就是想出更多的点子来。很简单吧?你能想出的点子越多,你就越有可能找到高质量的好点子。下面这些方法将告诉你如何才能想出更多的点子: 1. Capture all ideas 抓住所有的想法 A basic way to increase the quantity of ideas is simply to avoid losing ideas. Don’t let an idea slip by once it comes to you. Whenever you get an idea, capture it as soon as possible. Write it down or record it with a recording device。 想要拥有更多点子的一个基本的办法就是不要错过任何的点子。一旦有新想法,就以最快的速度把它记下来,手写也可以,用录音设备录下来也行。总之,不要放过任何一个在你脑中出现过的点子。 2. Don’t filter your ideas 不要过滤你的想法 By definition, filtering your ideas will reduce the number of ideas you have. Even if an idea doesn’t look good, let it sit for now. Later you might see it from a different perspective which shows the usefulness of the idea. If it doesn’t, you can always trash it later。 显然,过滤想法会减少你拥有的点子的数量。即使一个点子看上去并不那么好,暂时让它留在那里。过段时间你再去的看的时候,有可能能从不同的角度发现这个“没用的”点子的有用之处。就算到时候这个点子还是不好,那时再处理掉也不迟。 3. Find more ideas than you need 想出比需要的更多的点子 If you need five ideas, find ten. If you need ten ideas, find twenty. Finding more ideas than you need is good because you can then choose the best out of them。 如果你需要5个点子,那就想出10个。如果需要10个点子,那就想出20个。想出比你需要的更多的点子是很有好处的,因为这样你就可以从这些点子里选出一个最好的了。 4. Produce ideas consistently 不断地想点子 Keep producing ideas regardless of your mood. If you are a blogger, keep writing posts. If you are a designer, keep creating new designs. If you are a programmer, keep writing codes. Allocate time for it and make it a habit。 无论心情好坏,都要持续不断地想点子。如果你是个博主,那就坚持写博客。如果你是个设计师,那就坚持创造新的设计。如果你是个程序员,那就坚持写代码。为想点子专门腾出一点时间,让它成为你的习惯。 5. Set an idea quota 设定一定的点子的数量 Related to the previous point, one good way to ensure that you keep producing ideas is to set a target for your output. A writer, for instance, may aim to write at least 1000 words every day. A designer may aim to create one new design each week. Setting a target pushes you to be more productive。 正如前面所说的,要确保持续不断地想出点子的一个好办法就是设定一定的数量要求。比如说,作家每天规定自己写至少1000词的内容;设计师规定自己一周至少有一个新设计。设定目标会让你工作更有效率。 6. Avoid perfectionism 避免完美主义情结 One thing that may hinder you from producing a lot of ideas is perfectionism. Perfectionism could make you spend the whole year on just one idea while you can actually produce 51 other ideas. It’s better to produce a lot of ideas first, test them, and only then devote more resources to improve the winners。 有一件事会阻碍你想出更多的点子,那就是完美主义情结。完美主义会让你花一整年的时间在一个点子上,而实际上你可以想出51个其他的点子。比较好的做法是,先想出很多点子,再测试这些点子,从中选出一个好的再花时间精力去完善它,使它变得更好。 网友评论