美国审查孔子学院学术资质向其发难(图)美国审查孔子学院学术资质 向其发难
Chinese scholars and professors teaching at Confucius Institutes across the United States on type J-1 visas have been requested to leave the country no later than June 30. The mandate follows a U.S. Department of State announcement issued on May 17, the People's Daily reported。 U.S. authorities said they would not renew the Chinese visiting scholars' visas, and suggested those who wish to teach in the U.S. again fill out new applications for "proper visas." The U.S. is also said to launch a new round of certification inspections and review the academic proficiency of the China state-funded language and culture institute。 The Confucius Institute Headquarters in China have contacted the deans of several U.S. universities which organize such cultural exchange programs, saying China respects U.S. law but would not wish to see the negative impact should the U.S. discontinue the link。 (China.org.cn May 24, 2012) 在美国持有J-1签证的孔子学院中国教师日前得令,将不得不于6月30日离境。 据《人民日报》报道,美国国务院5月17日发布了这个公告。 美方称不会为这些访问学者续签签证;如果他们愿意,可回到中国再申办适当的交流项目签证。 美方还称,将要审查中国投资开办的语言文化学校——孔子学院的学术资质。 中国国家汉办(孔子学院总部)已经致信数所开设孔子学院的美国大学校长,指出中方尊重美国的法律法规,但不愿意看到因此而造成中断项目的后果。 网友评论