
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月29日 14:12   中国网
While it may look like a standard sleeping mask, "Remee" has been billed as a special REM (Rapid Eye Movement) enhancing device that is supposed to help steer the sleeper into lucid dreaming.   While it may look like a standard sleeping mask, "Remee" has been billed as a special REM (Rapid Eye Movement) enhancing device that is supposed to help steer the sleeper into lucid dreaming。

  While it may look like a standard sleeping mask, "Remee" has been billed as a special REM (Rapid Eye Movement) enhancing device that is supposed to help steer the sleeper into lucid dreaming, the Times of India reported。

  The intention behind the product is to allow people to have the dreams of their choice, from driving a race car to flying to having lunch with Abraham Lincoln。

  The futuristic invention is the brainchild of Duncan Frazier and Steve McGuigan, both aged 30, from New York, who have started a company named Bitbanger Labs。






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