美国女高中生打工旷课过多被关进监狱(图)![]() Diane Tran, a 17-year-old honor student in Texas, was forced to spend the night in jail last week after missing too many classes, KHOU-11's Sherry Williams reports。 根据KHOU-11网站的记者Sherry Williams报道,美国得克萨斯州17岁女高中生戴安娜・陈在上周因翘课过多而被关进监狱。 The Willis High School junior, who helps support two siblings, has both a full time and part-time job. She said that she's often too tired to go to school。 这位威利斯高中的二年级学生为了供养她的两个兄弟姐妹,找了一份全职工作和一份兼职。她承认到自己经常会因为太疲倦而不想上学。 "She goes from job to job from school," Devin Hill, one of Tran's classmates, told KHOU-11. "She stays up until 7:00 in the morning doing her homework." “她在学校一直忙忙碌碌地工作着,” 她的一位同班同学Devin Hill告诉记者,“她为了做作业常常熬夜到早上七点。” In an interview with KHOU-11, Tran said she takes AP Spanish, college level algebra and dual credit English and history courses. Her parents divorced and no longer live near her, so she lives with the family that owns the wedding venue where she works on weekends。 在一段KHOU-11的采访中,戴安娜说她的课程包括西班牙语预科课、大学代数、双信贷英语和历史。她父母离异且都不在身边。她和一个负责婚宴会场布置的家庭住在一起,这也是她周末打工的地方。 According to Texas law, if a student has ten or more unexcused absences within a six-month period, the school district may refer the student to a juvenile court. "In such cases, resolution of the issue is entirely in the hands of the court," reads a statement on the website of the Willis Independent School District。 根据德克萨斯州的法律规定,如果一个学生在6个月内有超过10次的无原因缺课,那么该学校所在的学区可将学生告上少年法庭。在威利斯独立高中的网站上写道:“在这种情况下,对于学生的处置将完全由法庭决定。” After being warned by a judge in April about missing too much school, Tran was arrested in court on Wednesday and required to spend the night in jail. She has also been fined $100. 今年4月初,一位法官因“逃课过多”曾警告过戴安娜。本周三戴安娜被依法逮捕,法官判处戴安娜入狱24小时,她同时被处罚款100美金。 Tran's case has spread online, with dozens of news outlets across the country picking up her story. HelpDianeTran.com, a site set up by the Louisiana Children's Education Alliance in partnership with Anedot and Gatorworks, has raised over $28,000. 该事件在网上广为传播,全国的报社都在报道这件事。路易斯安那儿童教育联盟与Anedot、Gatorworks联合建立了“帮助戴安娜・陈”的网站(HelpDianeTran.com),并已征集了28000美元的款项。 A petition at Change.org that calls for the judge to revoke the teen's fine and sentencing was approaching 26,000 signatures on Monday afternoon。 一项由“改变网”发起的请愿活动也已开始,他们的目标是请求法官撤销对这个孩子的指控和罚款。截止本周一下午,他们已经征集到了26000个签名。 "This remarkable young woman doesn't deserve jail," wrote a Change.org commenter going by Letitia Gutierrez. "She deserves a medal." Letitia Gutierrez是改变网的用户之一,她写道:“这位优秀的女孩不应当被关进监狱;相反她应该被授予一枚奖章。” 网友评论