奥巴马:戒烟比当总统还难 51岁的奥巴马曾是个铁杆烟民,他曾向妻子米歇尔许诺,如果她同意他竞选总统便戒烟。结果总统是当上了,烟还是没戒成。他是在2010年初才戒烟的,原因是想给女儿做个榜样。 President Barack Obama — pronounced tobacco-free in his latest medical checkup — has tough words for cigarette makers. Some tobacco companies, he says in a new White House web video, are fighting new cigarette warning labels because "they don't want to be honest about the consequences." Obama says the country has made progress in reducing the number of Americans who smoke but notes that 46 million are still addicted。 美国总统奥巴马在最近的体检中声称已经彻底戒烟,同时他还严厉谴责了烟草制造商。奥巴马在新发布的白宫视频中称,一些烟草公司抵制新香烟包装警示标志是因为他们“不原诚实的告诉烟民吸烟的危害”。他还表示美国已经在戒烟运动上取得了很大进步,但仍有4600万烟民。 克里斯蒂娜:曾因吸烟流产 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜于2011年6月签署法令,在阿根廷公共场所和工作地点全面禁止吸烟。她还现身说法称自己年轻时因吸烟而流产,从而下定决心戒烟。 As she signed the smoking ban bill into law, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recalled that after suffering a miscarriage back in 1984 she could not get pregnant for several years, until she stopped smoking in 1988, which helped her conceive her daughter Florencia.She praised the passing of the smoking ban bill which, among other things, completely bans smoking in public venues and in the workplace. “We have to respect other people’s decisions and not involve them in ours, which can be damaging to ourselves and others。” 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜立法戒烟时,曾回忆早在1984年她就因吸烟而流产,并且之后几年都未能怀孕,直到1988年戒了烟,她才怀上了女儿佛罗伦西亚。她对该法严厉禁止公共场所和工作地点吸烟行为的规定表示强烈赞同,称:“我们必须尊重他人,己所不欲,勿施于人,吸烟对己对人都有害。” 赛义夫:被抓时拒抽二手烟 利比亚前领导人卡扎菲次子赛义夫·卡扎菲于去年11月19日被捕之时,曾留下了一段录音。在生命的危急关头,他强烈表示:不愿吸二手烟。 The captured son of Muammar Gaddafi fretted about the dangers of passive smoking on a plane as a mob on the runway bayed for his blood. He told a group of men as they smoked: "The plane’s sealed and we’ll suffocate. We’re going to choke to death。 "利比亚前最高领导人卡扎菲次子赛义夫·卡扎菲被捕押送上飞机时,不少人聚集在跑道附近要求处决他,但他还一度担心二手烟的问题。他对机上一群抽烟人士说:“飞机是封闭空间,你一抽烟,我们都会窒息而亡。” 网友评论