
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月31日 18:02   中国网
Hangzhou police, in Zhejiang Province, have busted a gang of human organ traffickers and detained two suspects, local authorities announced on Tuesday.   Hangzhou police, in Zhejiang Province, have busted a gang of human organ traffickers and detained two suspects, local authorities announced on Tuesday。

  Hangzhou police, in Zhejiang Province, have busted a gang of human organ traffickers and detained two suspects, local authorities announced on Tuesday, Xinhua reported。

  The gang recently got exposed by a netizen who infiltrated a kidney trafficking plant by pretending to be a kidney seller。

  It has been revealed that many desperate young men who wanted to sell their kidneys, for example to pay off their debts, lived at the base located in the city's Jianggan district。

  Traffickers paid an average of 35,000 yuan for each kidney, while those in need of the organs are typically charged 200,000 to 500,000 yuan for them on the black market。

  Hangzhou police immediately launched an investigation after the case was exposed and its two major suspects were caught in Hunan Province。








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