
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月01日 10:10   沪江英语

  For the ninth time in 10 years, CBS has been crowned the most-watched network in the country, with The Big Bang Theory anchoring a powerful lineup by finishing first in the advertiser-friendly 18-49-year old demographic. Other long-running progams weren't as fortunate。


  American Idol lost about six million viewers per week, and was not the most-viewed show on television for the first time in eight years; while Dancing with the Stars fell by approximately four million per week。

  平均每周流失的600万观众让《美国偶像》(American Idol)八年来首次败北“最多观众收看的电视节目”的称号。而《与星共舞》(Dancing with the Stars)的观众人数也以每周400万的速度急剧下跌。

  Here's a look at the top 10 most popular shows, based on total number of weekly viewers, for the past television season:


  1.《NBC周日橄榄球直播》(NBC Sunday Night Football,NBC):每周平均2070万人

  2. 《美国偶像》表演秀(American Idol performance shows,FOX):1970万人


  4. 《美国偶像》决赛结果秀:(American Idol results show,FOX):1800万人

  5. 《与星共舞》表演秀(Dancing with the Stars performance shows,ABC):1800万人

  6.《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶》(NCIS Los Angeles,CBS):1600万人

  7. 《与星共舞》决赛结果秀(Dancing with the Stars results show,ABC):1600万人

  8.《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory,CBS):1600万人

  9. 《美国之声》(The Voice,NBC):1580万人

  10.《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men,CBS):1500万人



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