
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月01日 16:06   沪江英语

  A human foot has been posted to the headquarters of Canada's Conservative party and another body part discovered when police intercepted a second suspicious package, according to police in Ottawa。

  Police were called shortly after a receptionist opened a blood-soaked box at the headquarters of prime minister Stephen Harper's party。

  The first officers on the scene saw what appeared to be bloodstains on the package and immediately called in hazardous material specialists. They opened it and found the foot。

  Police said the package was addressed to the Conservative party of Canada and not a specific person. Harper's office is not located at the party headquarters。

  As the investigation developed, Ottawa police said on Tuesday night they had intercepted a second suspicious package containing another human body part. Police released no further details about the second package and said its major crime section continues to investigate。

  Detectives in Ottawa were consulting with their counterparts in Montreal, who found a torso in a suitcase. Montreal police sifted through rubbish in the city's west end looking for missing limbs。

  Authorities in both cities are trying to determine if the foot and torso came from the same body, but Ottawa police said it was too early to speculate on a link。

  A Conservative parliament member who arrived later at his party's headquarters was horrified by the discovery. "It's just awful," said Brad Trost, who first learned about the incident on television. He said it was probably someone's "sick idea"。

  "I don't think any of us are thinking this necessarily has anything to with politics," he said. A spokesman for the party would only say that a suspicious package was sent to its office and referred all questions to Ottawa police。











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