The view from the London Eye: Crowds pack Westminster Bridge as the royal barge and escort passes the Houses of Parliament 俯瞰伦敦:当皇家游船驶过国会大厦时,威斯敏斯特大桥上人头攒动 塔桥上燃放的烟花为活动画上了完美的句号
Explosive finish: Fireworks go off at Tower Bridge as the pageant reaches its conclusion 完美的完结:塔桥上燃放的烟花为千船巡游的庆典活动画上了完美的句号。 419艘船只齐聚伦敦塔桥
By around 5pm, 419 boats had reached Tower Bridge in London - setting a new world record for the number of boats taking part in a parade. The event easily surpassed the previous record of 327 boats in Bremerhaven, Germany, last year。 大约下午五时,419艘船只齐聚伦敦塔桥,创造了新的历史记录。此前的世界记录是在去年德国不莱梅港的327艘船只游行创下的。 女王伊丽莎白二世在登上“查特维尔精神”号
A jubilant looking Queen Elizabeth II greets the Chelsea Pensioners before she boards The Spirit of Chartwell ahead of the Jubilee celebrations 女王伊丽莎白二世在登上“查特维尔精神”号参加60周年庆典活动之前检阅了切尔西退休军官团。 “君主制带来最重要的东西就是国家的团结和稳定”
Speaking about the Queen and the Monarchy on the BBC's Andrew Marr said 'I think one of the great things that a monarch brings, and particularly a Royal Family and Her Majesty the Queen personally brings, is this sense of national unity and stability, someone who the whole country can identify with.' 英国BBC主持人在说到女王和君主制时表示,“我认为君主制,尤其是王室和女王本人带给我们的最重要的东西就是国家的团结和稳定,这是全国人民有目共睹的。” 网友评论