
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月05日 14:56   沪江英语

  A 29-year-old Canadian porn actor suspected of killing and dismembering a Chinese student in Montreal was arrested in Berlin on Monday, local police authorities said。

  Luka Rocco Magnotta was apprehended in an internet cafe in Berlin's in Neukolln district, after a local resident recognized him and alerted police。

  He is wanted by Canadian authorities and the Interpol, after he allegedly killed 33-year-old Chinese student Lin Jun on the night of May 25with an ice pick and mailed the victim's dismembered body parts. He had filmed the attack and put the video on the Internet。

  Described as narcissistic, Magnotta has undergone plastic surgery and has changed his name and used several aliases。

  Interpol on Thursday issued a Red Notice wanted-persons alert for Magnotta, also known as Eric Clinton Newman and Vladimir Romanov。

  His arrest came after days of intensive manhunt by French police authorities who had been tracking Magnotta in Paris since at least Friday。

  Canadian police confirmed Magnotta had flown from Canadato France shortly after he allegedly committed the murder。

  The French police had traced Magnotta, known as "mutilator killer" by French press and as the "Canadian Psycho" in Canada, to a hotel in the Parisian suburb of Bagnolet over the weekend。

  They found items such as pornographic magazines and airsick bags bearing the logo of the airline on which he left Canada for France more than a week ago, according to local media reports。



  据悉,马尼奥塔上周末搭巴士从法国前往德国。柏林警方发言人Stefan Rieldich说:“有人认出了他,然后,所有的警方人员都认出了他。”据悉,有人认出马尼奥塔并向警方报警,然后警方在当地时间下午2点找到了马尼奥塔,询问了对方的身份,随后将其逮捕。在逮捕过程中马尼奥塔没有反抗。在被问到他是否是警方通缉的人时,他说,“是,我就是”。根据德国媒体报道,是网吧老板认出了马尼奥塔。柏林警方说,马尼奥塔目前已被羁押,将于明天见法官。加拿大警方将前往柏林,希望将马尼奥塔带走。




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