
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月05日 16:14   沪江英语

  A Nebraska teen accidentally shot himself in the head while posing with a gun in an internet chat room. Shocked users looked on in horror as 19-year-old Trevor George pulled out a revolver, held it up to his head and pulled the trigger in early March, killing himself。

  After a three-month investigation, Bellevue police concluded on Monday that the horrific death was an accident not a suicide。

  They also determined, after interviewing witnesses and reviewing computer records, that George was not dared or bullied into shooting himself。

  Several people who were in the Tinychat video chat room George was logged into when he died told police the Bellevue University student had put a gun to his head before as a joke but it was never loaded.'He has a history of simulating this event,' Capt. David Stukenholtz said. 'This time, for whatever reason, there was a bullet in the chamber of the gun that he did not get out of there.'

  Police said most of the people in the chat room didn't know George's real name or where he lived, making it difficult for them to report the shooting or call for help. 'Even if you knew his name, you would have to know where to send help,' Stukenholtz said。

  Some of the witnesses contacted by Bellevue police live in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and elsewhere in the United States。

  The deadly accident was eventually reported by a Florida man who knew George's real identity and had been logged into the chat room before the shooting。

  He told police he had logged back in the following morning and found people talking about the devastating event。

  George lived with his parents in the Omaha suburb of Bellevue.His parents were home at the time of the shooting, but did not hear the shot and weren't aware of their son's death until officers arrived to check out the Florida's man's report。

  Users posted confused messages on the chat room after the shooting. One, who goes by the screen name 'Strawman' wrote: 'I talked to him in his last seconds. I didn't realise he was dying.'

  Police said George was a star student and didn't appear to be depressed or suicidal。








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