
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月05日 16:51   新浪博客


  The horrific face-eating arrest in Miami and several otherseemingly subhuman acts has many people wondering what's behindthis flesh-munching wave of terror。


  Over the years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasreleased a couple of tongue-in-cheek "zombie warnings," whichreally are just disaster-preparedness stunts. But on Thursday, theagency made it official: Zombies don't exist。


  "CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate thedead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)," wroteagency spokesman David Daigle in an email to The HuffingtonPost。


  Nevertheless, recent incidents in which humans reportedly ate humanflesh have the Internet in a firestorm, with "zombie apocalypse"being Google's third most popular search term by Fridaymorning。


  The zombie craze seemed to start with an attack in Miami onSaturday, when Rudy Eugene, 31, was killed by cops while in theprocess of eating almost the entirety of a homeless man's face off.The victim, Ronald Poppo, miraculously survived, but doctors arehaving a hard time figuring out how to put his face backtogether。


  Then, on Tuesday, 21-year-old Alexander Kinyua of Marylandallegedly admitted to dismembering his roommate and then eating hisheart and brain。


  Cops in Canada are also searching for a low-budget porn actor whoallegedly killed a young man with an ice pick, dismembered the bodyand then raped and ate flesh from the corpse. Luka Rocco Magnottais being hunted after he allegedly mailed some of the body parts toOttawa. He's also accused of killing cats on video and posting thefootage online。


  Gawker fingered a "mysterious rash" breakout at a high school inHollywood and other parts of Florida -- which hazmat and diseasecontrol teams still can't explain -- as further proof that zombiesare taking over。


  Zombie-like characteristics have been confirmed in the animalkingdom, just not in humans. A newfound fungus in a Brazilian rainforest -- called Ophiocordyceps camponoti-balzani -- is known toinfect an ant, take over its brain so as to move the body to a goodlocation for growth, and then kill the insect。


  Yet Daigle dismissed "fictional viruses" like AtaxicNeurodegenrative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, noting that othertriggers have been alleged to cause zombie-like symptoms。


  "Films have included radiation as well as mutations of existingconditions such as prions, mad-cow disease, measles, and rabies,"he said。




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