Angelababy领衔GAP跨界时尚广告大片(图)   2012年06月07日 14:56   沪江英语

  2010 saw the US clothing store GAP enter the Chinese retail market. To announce itself in China it launched an advertising campaign titled “Let’s GAP Together“. Billboards across Shanghai showed photos of Chinese and Western celebrities paired together, with each photo taken by legendary American portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz. Celebrities included Zhou Xun and Philip Cousteau Jr. (environmentalists), Jolin Tsai and Usher (entertainers), Annie Leibovitz and Wing Shya (photographers). The new phase of the campaign, recently launched in Mainland China and Hong Kong, pairs new icons from the US and China celebrating both their commonality and their individuality. Six talents paired as:


  Originals (Angelababy & Pharrell Williams)

  “I can be myself when working with Gap. I have the space to develop my imagination and the freedom to choose what I like。” (Angelababy)

  Visual Vanguard (Cui Xiuwen & Aaron Young)

  “I didn’t know Aaron before we first met in New York for the shoot. Since we have the same experience of art creation, there’s no distance between us。” (Cui XiuWen)

  Rockers (Muma & Juliet Simms)

  “Gap let me be the artist I am. And that’s a beautiful thing。” (Juliet Simms)

  “Why Gap chose me? I think it’s because I have my own unique characteristics。” (Muma)

  All of the above are renowned individuals in their industry and share the same common passion for what they do. They were selected specifically as it was felt they epitomize

  the freedom of embracing one’s passion and expressing one’s individuality. According to the Chief Creative Officer of Y&R, Nils Andersson, “This phase of the ‘Let’s Gap Together’ campaign is all about optimism for the future. Continuing Gap’s spirit of liberation, it pairs the next generation of Chinese and Americans at a time when the Sino-American connection is one of the most important relationships of this century。”

整组大片由美国时尚界极富传奇性的女摄影师Annie Leibovitz执镜整组大片由美国时尚界极富传奇性的女摄影师Annie Leibovitz执镜

  作为美国经典且鼓励独特性、自由与热情的时尚品牌,Gap在2010年首次登陆中国之际,为庆祝中美文化融合,推出 “Gap 让我们在一起“广告大片。此品牌广告一路得到消费者热烈反响,2012接续推出最新一季,近日已于中国大陆和香港地区全面启动。

  整组大片由美国时尚界极富传奇性的女摄影师Annie Leibovitz执镜。此次,六位艺人组合分别为跨界艺人(Angelababy & Pharrell Williams)、视觉艺术先锋 (崔岫闻 & Aaron Young)、以及摇滚唱作人(木玛 & Juliet Simms)三组——作为在各自领域被广为人知的先锋性人物,他们都在用自己充满激情与个性的方式,不断传递出对自由和乐观的无限憧憬。



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