中国奢侈品市场:脚踩金龙身跨猛虎(图)   2012年06月08日 13:29   新浪博客







  Luxury goods in China


  Riding the gilded tiger


  China’s super-rich expect better pampering than the merely well-off.


  ONE recent night, the ballroom at Hong Kong’s Grand Hyatt hotel was transformed into an elegant Parisian salon. Several dozen very wealthy families from all over China were flown in for a weekend of cruises, property tours and a gala auction. Chow Tai Fook (CTF), a Hong Kong firm that is the world’s largest jeweller, paid the bill.


  Adrian Cheng, an executive director at the firm and scion of CTF’s controlling family, put it all together to reward customers who spend over 1m yuan ($158,000) a year. Many come from the provinces in and around Beijing, Mr Cheng whispers: “closer to power and money” than Shanghai or Shenzhen.


  Even in provincial cities like Kunming, the rich routinely expect luxury shops to pamper them with cocktails and massages, says Francis Phua of DKSH, a consultancy. However, these days China has so many people flashing gold and platinum cards around that the seriously wealthy expect luxury firms to treat them to ever more exotic and exclusive events, to maintain their sense of superiority. CTF has taken its “VVIPs” on junkets to Paris Fashion Week, on helicopter tours and rare-wine tastings.

  咨询公司大昌华嘉的Francis Phua说道,即使在像是昆明这样的省城中,富人也将奢侈品店中提供的鸡尾酒和按摩服务视为常物。不过近来,中国有太多人炫耀手中的金卡、铂金卡了。真正富裕的人为了为继高人一等的感觉,便期待奢侈品企业能提供些有异国风情、常人难以企及的服务。周大福便为他们的“VVIP”(VVIP即“very very important person”,非常非常重要的顾客)客户提供了免费豪华巴黎时装周旅行、直升机观光以及法国别致葡萄酒品鉴会。

  A new report from CLSA, a stockbroker, forecasts that more than half of this year’s growth in luxury goods will come from China, where sales are set to soar by 24% in 2012. The country is already the largest market for jewellery after America, and for gold after India, and is gaining fast on both leaders. Prada and Gucci owe a third of their global sales to the rich in China. CTF saw same-store sales on the mainland shoot up by 45% from April to September last year.


  Mao may be spinning in his grave at how much China’s super-rich appreciate being “educated” on how to blow extravagant amounts on fine cigars and fancy watches. Whereas the West’s rich like it when luxury firms give them discounts for repeat purchases, their Chinese counterparts care more about having their status recognised, says Franklin Yao of SmithStreet, another consultancy. He thinks this is especially true for women, who make up 70% of CTF’s VIP scheme.

  如能看到今时今日中国的超级富豪是如何“学会”花大把的银子来追捧奢华的香烟名表,毛泽东也许都要在棺材里气的打滚。另一咨询公司斯密街的员工Franklin Yao说道,西方的富豪们都很喜欢奢侈品公司在他们重复购买时提供的折扣,而中国的富豪们则更在意自己的身份得到承认。他认为女性尤为如此,目前,女性客户已经占了周大福所有VIP账户中的70%。

  For such super-rich Chinese, an invitation to a lavish weekend is not enough, Mr Cheng explains. They expect a personal butler to fetch them and fuss over them. If that is what his very best customers want, that is what they shall have.




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