
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月08日 21:26   新浪博客

本文选自《A BETTER LIFE》的博客,点击查看博客原文


  Zhang Yeju, a law student at China University of Political Scienceand Law was greeted by another student on his way to class. Theproblem was Zhang, 19, did not know the guy at all。


  While they talked about the weather Zhang tried hard to recallthe stranger’s name before the duo enter the same classroom。


  “I felt a bit embarrassed when I chatted with him withoutknowing his name,” said Zhang。


  Accordingto Zhang this was not the first time he’s had a “strangerencounter” on campus。


  There are 60 people in his class, but Zhang knows the names offewer than 30 of them after a year of study。


  According to a recent survey conducted by MyCOS HR DigitalInformation Co, a consulting firm on higher education, about 40percent of students in university admitted that they have problemswith interpersonal relationships。


  Zhang Jitao, associate professor of sociology at HubeiUniversity, sees a new trend on campus: to have smaller circles offriends who are more diverse and unique。


  “Having your life revolve around a small group of friendsmight have a negative impact on one’s future career after school,”said Zhang to Chutian Metropolitan Daily。


  However, students seem not to worry about it at all。


  Qin Yuanyuan, 20, a junior biology major at Guangxi Universitysees no need to expand his social circle when he has access to theInternet。


  “The Internet has developed so well that I can get nearlyeverything online. I don’t need to gain knowledge, get informationor have fun with friends around. Instead, I can make friendsonline,” said Qin。


  The more time students spent on the Internet, the less theypaid attention to those around them, said Li Zixun, of thepsychology department of Beijing-based China-Japan FriendshipHospital。


  But Li considers it is not always a bad thing for students tolive independently in campus。


  “This generation does not rely on social contacts to make themfeel secure. They can live independently without having anyrelationships. It is an advantage in cultivating diverse thoughtsamong young people,” said Li。


  He Xiao, a freshman at Hubei University, agrees. He thinks aslong as one enjoys friendships and share similar interests andattitudes, it is not necessary to have a wide range ofacquaintances。


  “For me, having several friends to play basketball with andhave midnight snacks with are enough. I think the most importantthing is that you can have fun,” said the 19-year-old computerscience major。


  According to psychologist Li Zixun from Beijing, heavypressure on students is fueling the estrangement on campus。


  “When young people spend so much time and energy studying, itis common to pay less attention to others,” said Li. “Socializingalso requires time and energy。”




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