
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月11日 12:01   沪江英语

  One of the intriguing things about a relationship is figuring out the exact words that will woo him, wow her, and win his heart. Here are some suggestions for the men and women in your life。


  1. “Yes。” “好的。”

  And we are not talking about the obvious “yes。” Men want love too, and emotional intimacy, and the security that comes with committed partnership. And it all begins with a positive response from the woman he wants. “Yes, I noticed you too。” “Yes, here is my phone number。” “Yes, I’d love to meet you for dinner。” Both men and women love someone who is willing to try new things, go to new places, and have a “yes” attitude in general。

  此处我们说的可不只是简单的同意“好的”哦。男人也渴望被爱,需要亲密感情,以及伴侣关系带来的安全感。只要心爱的女人给予肯定的回应,对他说:“对,我也注意到你了哦”;“给,这是我的电话号码”或 “嗯,非常乐意跟您共进晚餐”,他就会得到满足。一般,男人女人都爱跟态度积极、勇于尝试新事物新地方的人交往。

  2. “I’d rather be with you … ”“我更愿意跟你待在一起……”

  ... than do whatever it is that’s keeping you apart at the moment. Let’s face it, these days, life moves at a crazy pace. The demands of work, family, friends—and even mundane tasks like grocery shopping—can consume every spare minute. It’s easy to let optional items, like time together, slip to the bottom of the “to do” list. But even when unavoidable things get in the way, your partner likes to hear that they are also important to you。


  3. “Are you free Saturday night?” “周六晚上有空吗?”

  Date nights are important—even if you have been together for years. A man also likes to be pursued as much as he likes to pursue, so don’t be afraid to ask him out once in a while, ladies. Don’t ever stop carving out that quality time for each other。


  4. “There’s something you do that I find adorable。” “我发现有时你很可爱。”

  When you notice—and love—something about your partner that isn’t obvious to world, it tells them you’re interested enough in them to pay attention to the small things. It also confirms the intimate nature of your relationship. Be aware of the cute, charming things they do that you find irresistible. Then tell them what you admire!


  5. “That looks good on you。” “你看上去帅呆了/美极了。”

  This is not a revelation, but how many of us forget to acknowledge our loved ones when they are looking good? It is well understood that women appreciate positive feedback about their appearance—but so do men. He wants to look good … and often works hard to get there. How nice to be told sometimes that it’s working。这句美言众人皆知。可现实中又有多少人真正做到呢?人们都知道女人喜欢别人赞美她的容貌——其实男人也是啊。男人也希望自己看上去又帅又酷,并为此不遗余力。有时夸赞这么一句绝对受用哦。

  6. “You know what? You are right。”“哎,还是你说得对啊。”

  The ability to admit when we are wrong, and give credit to your partner when they are right, is BIG! It’s not easy to put our ego’s aside, but it’s important to be able to do so, because a relationship is not about winning。


  7. “I really like your friends (or kids or family members)。”“我很喜欢你的朋友/小孩/家人。”

  Most women are communal creatures, and relationships are very important to them. So it means a lot when you say something wonderful about the people she loves. Tell her you think her dad is wise, or one of her kids is especially talented, or her close friend is fun to be with. By complimenting the people closest to your partner, you’re affirming them as well。




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