
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月11日 12:05   沪江英语

  A sea lion in a Bangkok zoo has become the latest pundit to take the world of soccer by storm. "Tik" -- a seven-year old male, originally born in South Africa, is certain Greece will lose to Poland in the opening game of Euro 2012 on Friday。

  Tik managed to head a ball marked with Greek colors into a basketball hoop, signifying the loser of the game. Tik follows hot on the heels of another famous zoo soccer pundit, Paul the Octopus, who achieved fame by correctly predicting the outcome of Germany's seven matches during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Euro 2012 is being staged in Poland and Ukraine over the next three weeks. It features 16 national teams battling it out for the title of European Champions。

  Ahead of Saturday's Champions League final and with Euro 2012 just around the corner, animals of all shapes and sizes are queuing up to succeed Paul the Octopus, pictured here in 2010, the famous clairvoyant

  cephalopod from the 2010 World Cup. Paul rose to fame during the last World Cup for correctly 'predicting' the outcome of eight consecutive matches at the tournament。


  2012年欧洲杯揭幕战将于北京时间6月9日凌晨打响。目前,不少国家和地区推出的“预测帝”纷纷揭幕战:波兰对阵希腊展开预测,泰国曼谷的“神兽”海狮就是其中的一个。 泰国推出的“神兽”是来自曼谷都实动物园一只名叫“蒂克”的7岁的海狮。“蒂克”于当地时间6月7日试水欧洲杯揭幕战,预测波兰队与希腊队的比赛结果。工作人员当天往水里抛了两个球,上面分别印有两支队伍的国旗。“蒂克”进入预测现场后,毫不犹豫地将代表希腊队的球顶起,然后回到岸上将球抛进了篮筐。由于这次让“蒂克”预测的是哪个球队会在揭幕战中败下阵来,因此“蒂克”的做法意味着它并不看好2004年欧洲杯冠军希腊队。作为2012年欧洲杯揭幕战,波兰队和希腊队将在当地时间6月8日晚6点在波兰首都华沙举行,欧洲不少媒体目前普遍认为东道主波兰将取胜,看来“蒂克”的预测首秀很有可能为它“神兽”的称谓赢得满堂彩。



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