
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月11日 14:15   国际在线

  A three-eyed fish was caught in a reservoir in Argentina, reported Cadena 3, an Argentine news service。The fishing hole where the mutant fish was caught may be more of a fission hole. The reservoir, named “Chorro de Agua Caliente,” receives water from a nuclear plant in the province of Córdoba。

  "Simpsons" fans will recall the same thing happened in Springfield. Bart caught Blinky, a three-eyed fish, in the pond fed by Monty Burn's nuclear power plant in the episode “Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish,” from the second season of the hit series。

  Though no official examinations have been completed, the fishermen think the mutant's proximity to the nuclear plant is a little fishy。Like Burns in the "Simpsons" episode, the fishermen don't have the stomach for three-eyed fish. They plan to submit it for testing, then have it preserved。



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