北京时间今天凌晨,2012欧洲杯最后4强亮相,被外界寄予厚望的英法大战以1比1平局告终,价值连城的两支球队并未表现出与其身价一致的水平。 沉闷的英法比赛,华丽丽地被一位大叔抢镜了。这位远从法国而来的大叔在喧闹的球场之内竟然睡着了,而且睡得还挺香。这位大叔打瞌睡的时间发生在下半场第14分钟,当时场上的比分是1:1,而这个比分也一直保持到终场。大叔要用睡觉这种方式向英格兰和法国抗议:你们踢得实在是太无聊了。 (以上新闻摘中新网) 小编:虽然十字军团已经失去了昔日的光彩,高卢雄鸡也让人掂不清分量,但是两支老牌劲旅摆在那儿,还是让球迷非常期待这场英法大战。然而沉闷的比赛过程真是让我们这群熬夜看球的球迷想骂人啊!好吧,到了下半场小编也已经撑不住,像大叔一样去梦中思考人生了……下面我们就来说说关于“睡觉”的英语,向大叔致敬: 各种“睡”: nap: a short sleep 小睡 doze: nap, but usually easily awakened or partially alert, often unintentional 打瞌睡(通常指有些警觉、容易惊醒的状态,而且经常是无意中睡着的) slumber: sleep, usually considered a deeper sleep 睡眠(书面语,相对而言睡得较熟) siesta: a short sleep in the afternoon 午睡 表示“睡觉”的习语: I dozed off in front of the television。 doze off: fall asleep unintentionally 无意中睡着 She could catnap anywhere, though this was sometimes embarrassing。 a cat nap: a short nap which can be anywhere, not necessarily in bed 小睡(可以在任何地方睡) You look really tired. What time did you hit the sack last night? hit the sack/hay: lie down to try to get to sleep 躺下睡觉 I think I'll stay home tonight and catch some z's。 catch some z's: get some sleep 睡觉 I'll just catch forty winks before getting ready for the party。 catch 40 winks: take a short nap 小睡 I was so excited last night - I didn't sleep a wink。 not sleep a wink: not sleep at all 完全没有睡着 Joanna was so zonked out that she nodded off on the sofa。 zonked out: exhausted and feel like resting or going to sleep 精疲力竭而想要休息或睡觉 nod off: fall asleep, usually while sitting up 睡着(通常是坐着的状态下) The guy in the hotel room next to me is really sawing logs tonight! saw logs: snore loudly 打鼾 I think I'm going to turn in. See you in the morning。 turn in: go to bed 睡觉 You can crash at my place if you like。 crash: sleep somewhere for the night, usually when you did not plan to do this 在某处过夜(通常是计划之外) John was out like a light, so I threw a blanket on him and turned out the light。 out like a light: in a deep sleep or unconscious 沉睡或失去意识 网友评论