网络流行语也要国际范:屌丝高富帅英文秀   2012年06月13日 15:13   中国网

  屌丝 diaosi

  The word originates from's Tiebar (a top Chinese bulletin board system) for soccer player Li Yi. There, fans of Li, who are called "yisi" in Chinese, not only talk about soccer but complain about their lives, work and relationships。


  "Yisi", who are known for their rude and dirty language, were given the name diaosi by others who have seen their posts。


  Although the word "diaosi" implies a kind of helplessness and self-mockery, these fans write the word with pride and began to list themselves as "diaosi". The word soon inundated the Chinese Internet。


  Mostly, "disosi" refers to those single, young men who feel they have dead-end lives. They don't earn enough, are not good looking, and have difficulty winning promotion。


  Unlike their upper-class contemporaries, they lack influential families, useful social networks for their careers, and most importantly, suitable women to marry。


  女吊丝/女屌丝 female diaosi

  The word also originates from's Tiebar (a top Chinese bulletin board system) for soccer player Li Yi. It refers to those single females who lack attention and care from males. Compared to tall, beautiful and rich girls, they belong to a more vulnerable group。


  With a nice personality, they are kind and diligent. They have rich emotions, but are always reserved. Poor salary and plain looks give them a sense of inferiority。


  高富帅 Men who are tall, rich, handsome, and very popular among females

  矮穷挫 Men who are short, poor and ugly-looking

  白富美 Ladies from a decent family, who are fair-skinned and attractive



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