If you're going to cheat in an exam, at least be subtle about it。 如果你打算在考场里作弊,起码也要低调一点。 Cast a furtive glance at your friend's answer sheet, scribble a note or two on your arm, perhaps。 偷偷摸摸地瞟两眼朋友的答题纸,再在胳膊上胡乱写几笔就行啦。 Don't, as one Kazakh student reportedly did, wrap reams and reams of answers - 25,000 to be more precise - around your body in a bizarre stunt that might have made Borat proud, but certainly not the examiners。 可别像报道中的这位哈萨克斯坦同学一样,把足足写着两万五千条答案的纸条裹在身上;这身怪异的装束可能会令波拉特洋洋自得,但监考老师们可不吃这一套。 It wasn't too long before they noticed the high school pupil fiddling inside his clothing before the university entrance exam started, reports have claimed。 监考人员称,他们是在大学考试快要开考的时候,才发现这名高中生衣服里的玄机的。 According to the Austrian Times, they found a chain of computer print-outs stretching 35ft under his shirt with potential answers to the exam's five topics of maths, history, Russian, Kazhak and another subject of his choice。 据《奥地利时报》的报道,哈萨克斯坦当地的监考人员在这名学生的衣服里,拽出了足有35英尺(约合10.6米)的机打答案,这些答案涵盖了数学,历史,俄语,哈萨克语以及他的另一个选考科目。 The pupil has since been expelled。 这名学生现在已经被开除学籍。 Education authority spokesman Bolatzhan Uskenbayev said: 'If he'd put half as much effort into studying as he did into cheating he would have sailed through the exam with a distinction.’ 当地教育机关的发言人Bolatzhan Uskenbayev 说:“如果这孩子把做小抄的一半心思放在功课上,他也许能够以优异的成绩顺利通过考试。” 'It's a pity too see all that work come to nothing but he cheated and that's not allowed.' “遗憾的是因为他犯了不能作弊的大忌,之前他所有的努力都白费了。” 注:波拉特:波拉特是哈萨克斯坦电视台的著名主持人,为了考察西方国家的媒体发展水平,他来到了美国。在美国这个高度现代化国家,波拉特是个迷醉在美人乳沟里找不着北的乡巴佬,他在海滩上和星光大道上闹了一屁股笑话,并且还忘记了家乡父老正眼巴巴地盼着他学成归来,报效祖国。他的故事还在2006年底被翻拍成喜剧电影《波拉特》,不仅引发了票房热潮,而且引发了罕见的赞誉、争议以及抗议。 网友评论