
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月18日 18:55   国际在线

  Will Smith has been named the fittest dad in a Facebook poll conducted by Gold's Gym in honour of Father's Day. David Beckham came in at second place。

  Will Smith has been named the fittest dad in a Facebook poll conducted by Gold's Gym in honour of Father's Day。

  Surprisingly, fit and trim footie star David Beckham came in at second place。

  Smith, 43, - currently staying in shape fighting aliens in 'Men in Black 3' - got the most votes in the poll, which asked members to weigh in online。

  "We were surprised that Will Smith came out on top," Gold's Gym's vice president of communications, Dave Reiseman, told the New York Daily News via e-mail。

  "Not because he's not fit, but because we figured the winner would probably be an athlete of sorts, like David Beckham," he said。

  Chris "Thor" Hemsworth, who stars in 'The Avengers' and 'Snow White and the Huntsman,' rounded out the top three。

  Smith looked in shape while doing press for 'MIB 3' in June, his pecs bulging through a T-shirt during red carpet walks。

  The fitness chain also asked who were the Hollywood fathers most in need of a workout。

  The ones who got joke votes included 'Family Guy's' Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson, who never met a donut he didn't drool over in 23 seasons of 'The Simpsons.'




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