专家研究:男性喝茶过多易患癌症(图)![]() Men who drink lots of tea are far more likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers have warned, the Daily Mail reported。 They found that those who drank seven or more cups a day had a 50 percent higher risk of contracting the disease than men who had three or fewer. The warning comes after scientists at the University of Glasgow tracked the health of more than 6,000 men for four decades。 Their findings run counter to previous research, which had suggested that tea-drinking lowers the risk of cancer, as well as heart disease, diabetes and Parkinson's disease。 Almost 80 percent of Britons drink tea, consuming an estimated 165 million cups each day。 据英国《每日邮报》报道,研究人员警告说,喝茶太多的男人更容易患上前列腺癌。 格拉斯哥大学的科学家对6000多名男性的健康状况进行长达40年的跟踪观察后发现,一天喝七杯以上的茶的男性比一天喝三杯或者更少的男性患上前列腺癌的风险高50%。 这一结论与此前的一项认为喝茶可以降低人们患癌、心脏病、糖尿病、以及帕金森氏症的风险的研究正好相反。 据悉,80%的英国人都喝茶,他们每天大概会喝掉1.65亿杯。 网友评论