The London 2012 Olympics are on course to be the most over-budget games in 16 years after organizers have failed to accurately forecast security demands and private investment, Bloomberg reported。 A study by the University of Oxford predicts that the sports celebration hosted in the British capital is likely to cost double its original estimates, making the event the most expensive one since the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, when costs overran by 147 percent。 The British government has already tripled its original budget to an estimated 9.3 billion pounds, after failing to finance and develop the main site。 The security budget was doubled to 553 million pounds last year, as the original estimate of 10,000 guards fell short by nearly 14,000 people。 据彭博社报道,2012伦敦奥运会有望成为16年以来超预算最多的一次奥运会,原因是奥组委未能准确预计安保需求和私人投资总额。 牛津大学的一项研究预测,这场在英国首都举行的体坛盛事,开销很可能将达预期的两倍,伦敦奥运也将成为1996年亚特兰大奥运会以来最“烧钱”的一场奥运会。据悉,亚特兰大奥运超支147%。 无力支付建设主体育场的费用之后,英国政府已经将预算增加到了原来的三倍,达到93亿英镑。 因原先1万人的安保队伍又新增了14000人,安保预算在去年也增加了一倍,达到5.53亿英镑。 网友评论