Now the world knows where Megan Fox's Hollywood smile came from。 Megan posted the pictures on her Facebook account, encouraging her fans to check her out.She wrote: 'Say hello to my 12 year old self. I encourage you to admire my citrus/copper colored highlights (thanks Sun-in!) my braces, and my ever present sunburn.' 日前,被评为全世界最性感女人之一的梅根·福克斯在脸书上曝光了自己12岁时的少女照。从照片来看,12岁的梅根·福克斯拥有健康的古铜色肌肤,戴着“丑女贝蒂”招牌牙套、画着淡妆的她展露出无邪的甜美微笑。 梅根·福克斯
In other snaps the youngster is pictured experimenting with make-up. And while Fox may be able to afford the best cosmetics these days, back in the day she was a little more resourceful, using a toothbrush to comb her eyebrows。 照片中的梅根·福克斯正用牙刷梳眉毛。 梅根·福克斯