70岁老人17年种“爱心”树林悼亡妻(图)![]() A devoted husband spent years creating this touching heart-shaped meadow as a tribute to his late wife. Farmer Winston Howes planted the oak saplings after his wife Janet died suddenly 17 years ago。 一位忠贞的丈夫花费数年,拼成了这个巨大的指向他已故爱妻故乡的爱心。农场主温斯顿-霍维斯在妻子珍妮特17年前突然离世后,他就开始种植橡树。 The 70-year-old laid out the fledgling trees in a six-acre field but left a perfect heart shape in the middle - with the point facing in the direction of her childhood home。 这位七十岁的老人在6英亩的农场中种满橡树,中间留下了一个巨大的爱心形状,心尖直指向了妻子的故乡。 The labour of love has now blossomed into a mature meadow - a peaceful oasis where Winston can sit and remember his wife of 33 years。 这份爱的付出已经变成了丛林,老人现在可以在这里坐着安静地追思陪伴了自己33年的妻子。 His meadow cannot be seen from the road and has remained a family secret until a hot air balloonist took this photograph from the air。 他的丛林在路边并不能被发现,直到有人在热气球上拍照,这个秘密才公布于众。 He said: "I came up with the idea of creating a heart in the clearing of the field after Janet died. I thought it was a great idea - it was a flash on inspiration - and I planted several thousand oak trees。” 他说:“我是在我的妻子死后才想出来要在这篇空地上种出一个爱心的。我认为这个主意很不错,虽然仅仅是灵光一闪,但是我真的种了几千颗橡树。” "Once it was completed we put seat in the field, overlooking the hill near where she used to live. I sometimes go down there, just to sit and think about things. It is a lovely and lasting tribute to her which will be here for years." “完成之后,我和孩子都在空地上席地而坐,眺望着她曾经生活过的地方附近的山。我有时候会去那边,坐一坐想想事情,这对她来说是很好的纪念。” Winston, who owns an 112-acre farm near Wickwar, South Gloucestershire, decided to seed housewife Janet's legacy after she died from heart failure in 1995, aged 50. The pair got married in nearby Stroud in 1962. 霍维斯先生在南格洛斯特郡附近拥有112英亩的农场,于是老人决定在这片土地上种下橡树怀念妻子。珍妮特因为心力衰竭死于1995年,去世的时候50岁。这对夫妻于1962年在附近的斯特劳德结婚。 ![]() He created with the wood using small oak trees next to his farmhouse in the months after her death - marking out an acre-long heart with a large bushy hedge。 妻子死后,他在农屋附近开始种植橡树——形成了一个灌木围成一英亩大的爱心。 The entrance to the secret heart is only accessible from a track leading up to its tip。 通往这颗心的唯一小路就是从山顶下去的一条道路。 Winston said: "We got people in especially to do it - there are several thousand trees. We planted large oak trees around the edge of the heart then decided to put a hedge around it too.The heart points towards Wotton Hill, where Janet is from。” 霍维斯先生说:“我特别找了人做这些事情——有几千颗树。我们在心的边缘种上了大橡树,然后打算在周围弄圈篱笆。心尖指向沃顿山,那里是珍妮特的故乡。” "We plant daffodils in the middle that come up in the spring - it looks great. I go out there from time to time and sit in the seat I created. I also flew over it myself about five years ago。” “我们在中间种下了春天开花的水仙,看起来很美。我经常时不时的去那边散步,坐在我种成的地方。我也在五年前坐飞机从空中看过一次。” Winston's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett, 42, from Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, soared over the wood last week。 霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客Andy Collett 上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。 The transport businessman could not believe his eyes when he discovered the symbol of love hidden among the trees。 当看到隐藏在树林中象征着爱的心形标志时,这个商人不敢相信自己的眼睛。 He said: "I have my own balloon and am quite a regular flyer - but this was the most amazing sight I have ever seen from the sky。” 他说:“我有自己的热气球,也经常飞行——但这是我在天上看到过最壮观的景象。” "It was a perfect heart hidden away from view - you would not know it was there.You can just imagine the love story." “这是个隐藏的极好的爱心,你也许永远都不知道它的存在。你可以想象这个爱情故事有多美了。” 网友评论