蝙蝠侠首映礼枪击惨案致10人死亡(视频)NBC晚新闻 科罗拉多枪击案特别节目 媒体来源:新浪教育
![]() TEN people have been shot dead at a Batman film premiere near Denver, Colorado, according to reports。 A masked gunman shot dead ten people and initial police estimates say he wounded 30 to 40 others at a showing of Batman film The Dark Knight Rises。 Local radio reported people running screaming from the Century Aurora 16 Movie Theater in a mall in the suburb of Aurora。 The gunman reportedly opened fire after 30 minutes of the showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" and also set off a smoke or tear gas bomb。 Donna Hayes-Johnson, news producer at WFHP was reported on Twitter as saying multiple children were among the dead。 Brenda Stuart, from 850 KOA Radio, told Sky News: "This started with a midnight showing of the new Dark Knight movie and the theatres were packed that were showing this movie。 "People inside tell us they thought it was part of the movie. They heard what they thought were firecrackers, loud bangs and all of a sudden they saw the bullets flying。 "Police officers are carting the injured to the hospital in their own cars, not waiting for the ambulances." A makeshift hospital was set up at the mall to treat those wounded in the attack, and injured people were taken to several hospitals。 Fox News reported there were two gunmen involved and one was reportedly in custody。 Police closed off surrounding parking lots as sniffer dogs were brought in to search for a suspected explosive device。 A bomb-searching robot was deployed by police, according to eyewitnesses。 The Denver Post had earlier reported that expectations had been at fever pitch in the city, with several cinemas preparing to unveil the film to the public at midnight。 Fans had been queueing for the premiere since 10am yesterday。 Tickets for a showing at the UA Colorado Center for the midnight showing sold so fast that a 3.30am showing had been hurriedly added。 Anticipation among film fans has been growing for months following the smash-hit success of Christopher Nolan's earlier films Batman Begins and Batman: The Dark Knight, starring Christian Bale and Heath Ledger。 On Wednesday the film review aggregating website Rotten Tomatoes blocked users from making comments on reviews of the final chapter of the Batman trilogy after the responses to the few negative reviews it has received got out of hand and hostile fans became abusive and started making threats against the reviewers。 ![]() 《蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起》在美国丹佛的首映现场发生枪击事件,一蒙面持枪男子击杀超过10人,而据警方初步预计,约30至40人在枪击事件中受伤。具体案情仍在调查中,而根据事故证人及各方媒体的报道,凶手于影片上映30分钟后向人群开火。当时正值影片播放中途,许多人以为是礼花活动,而后在混乱中确认枪击。人群四处逃窜,惊声尖叫,场面一片混乱。 《蝙蝠侠前传3》为今夏最受期待的好莱坞电影,20日起在北美上映,许多影院的预售票早早便被一扫而空。而位于丹佛的午夜场由于是首映,更是到了热切的顶点。凌晨3:30的电影票销售火爆,一票难求。因此事故发生时,影城内人头攒动,拥挤异常。 现场当即启用了一所临时医院,对枪击中的伤者进行紧急处理。而后伤者被送往附近的不同医院进行救治。 根据Fox新闻的报道,该枪击事件中的持枪犯人共有两名,其中一名尚未成年。而目前警方控制了附近的停车场,正在用嗅探警犬寻找疑似的爆炸装置。而据目击者称,警方还采用了炸弹嗅探机器人协助调查。 而另一方面,负面消息之后,批评家们对该部电影乃至电影系列的评论超出了控制,以至于不友好的电影死忠们开始对他们恶语相向,乃至威胁恐吓。 网友评论