阿根廷科尔多瓦省的一个小镇因为资金不足无法按时给全镇公务员(微博)发放工资,于是采用抽签的方式发工资,抽到者先发,没抽到的只能等下一拨。在第一拨抽签结束后,该镇92名公务员中已有23名中签拿到工资。该镇镇长表示,抽签发工资的做法是经过上级管理部门批准的。他指出,此番资金短缺主要是由省政府拨款减少引发的。由于国家经济增速放缓,阿根廷多省都面临经济困境。自2003年以来,阿根廷的国内生产总值年平均增长率都达8%,但分析人士预测其2012年的增长率可能不及4%。 A raffle will determine which civil servants in a small Argentine town will receive their pay first, due to insufficient funds, its mayor announced Monday。 "We will draw lots to decide the (order) of payment," said mayor of Bialet Masse, Gustavo Pueyo, in a broadcast from Buenos Aires private radio station Radio Mitre。 Pueyo said the raffle was approved by national mayoral authorities and the first draw took place Friday, with 23 of the town's 92 employees receiving their pay. A second raffle is slated for Monday。 Home to 5,000 inhabitants, Bialet Masse is a tourist destination in Cordoba Province, 750 kilometers (466 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires。 Pueyo attributed the city's insufficient funds to a drop in the funding usually received from the provincial government。 Several Argentine provinces have faced economic difficulties due to the nation's slowed economic growth。 Growth slowed by half of one percent in May compared with the same period last year, marking the first downturn since 2009, according to official figures。 Argentina's GDP has grown by an average eight percent per year since 2003, but analysts expect the economy will grow by less than half that in 2012. 网友评论