
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月25日 14:07   沪江英语

  Todd Williams is on his way to Mystic Falls - and this may mean trouble for our favorite blood suckers。

  The actor has been cast on The Vampire Diaries Season 4 as Connor, a vampire hunter who will debut on the October 18 installment of this CW drama and who is described in network notes as a "highly trained killing machine."

  Williams has experience playing men on the right side of the law, having portrayed a detective on In Plain Sight and a police officer on The Chicago Code。

  No word yet on exactly how he'll interact with Damon, Stefan and company. But don't expect his hunter to get along as well with his supposed prey as the show's previous hunter. (RIP, Alaric. We miss you, buddy。)

  In a Season 4 press release, The CW referred to a "new villain" intent on "destroying" the bond Elena and her friends have with their hometown. It's safe to assume this outline was referring to Williams' Connor。

  陶德·威廉姆斯(Todd Williams)正在赶往神秘瀑布镇(Mystic Falls)的途中,这意味着我们最爱的吸血鬼们可能要有麻烦了。他将于10 月18号的剧集中与大家首次见面,关于这个角色,网上对他的描述是“训练有素的杀人机器





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