传说戒指有很多种,比如说老年间老奶奶们喜欢带的明晃晃金灿灿夺人耳目的金镏子,有钱富二代娶媳妇求婚买的5克拉大钻石,或者代表已婚的pt素圈儿。其实无论是什么戒指都是代表佩戴者已经心有所属,所以很多已婚出轨的男女都会把戒指偷偷装起来充钻石王老五,或者大龄未婚女青年。现在美国就出了这么一款“防出轨戒指”,在戒指的内侧刻上了我“已婚”的字样。就算偷偷摘下来,手指上也会留下抹不掉的印记! Your cheatin’ heart may not tell on you, but this wedding ring might. Perfect for today’s promiscuous lifestyles, the Anti-Cheating wedding ring makes sure to display your marital status, even when you take it off。 “With Arnold, Tiger and two timing IMF guy in mind, we have created this wedding ring for people intent on cheating. The negative engraving on the inside means that when you are in the ‘Club’ and an attractive woman… or man comes along to chat, slipping your wedding ring off is not an option. The mark left on your skin says…’I’m Married’。” Brought to you by The Cheeky, this titanium wedding ring may help keep your cheatin’ heart from straying too far. At least, until the impression disappears… Now this ring is charged $550. 网友评论