娜塔莉-波特曼正式完婚 犹太婚礼低调甜蜜

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月06日 16:21   沪江英语

  Natalie Portman has tied the knot with longtime beau Benjamin Millepied. Us Weekly reports that the ridiculously good-looking couple said "I do" on Saturday evening in Big Sur, California -- reportedly one of Portman's favorite locations。

  Although the details are scant, the wedding is said to have been an intimate Jewish ceremony and held at a private residence. The wedding also comes six months after the couple reportedly got engaged, when they flaunted matching wedding rings in February at the Academy Awards。

  Portman, 31, and Millepied, 35, first met on set of 2010's dark thriller "Black Swan," for which Portman nabbed her first Oscar. The actress and the French choreographer have a 13-month son, Aleph. Though the couple have remained fiercely private about their relationship, Portman did let her feelings for her Millepied slip in January 2011, when she accepted the Golden Globe award for Best Actress in a Drama (for "Black Swan")。

  "Thank you to Benjamin, who is helping me to continue this creation of creating more life," a then-pregnant Portman joyously told the audience。

  "Benjamin choreographed the film, and also you might remember him in the movie as the guy when they ask, 'Would you sleep with that girl?' And he's like, 'Pffsh, no.' He's the best actor. It's not true: He totally wants to sleep with me!"


  据悉,娜塔莉·波特曼与丈夫本杰明·米派德于加州大瑟尔海岸的一个私人住宅内完婚,他们互相交换誓言,在晚间进行了一个犹太婚礼仪式。这是一个完全私人性质的婚礼,只邀请了约60位的双方亲友。当晚虽然参加婚礼的人数不多,但是据称气氛非常浪漫温馨,娜塔莉在念誓词的时候称本杰明为“My beautiful love”(我美好的爱人),并感谢他为她带来了生命中最重要的角色——成为一个母亲。




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