
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月15日 10:20   沪江英语

  It's rare when a single photograph defines an historic event. But one of those photographs is "The Kiss." It's from Aug. 14, 1945, the day Japan surrendered to end World War II, when a sailor and nurse locked lips in Times Square。一张照片定格一个历史事件,这是很罕见的,然而“胜利之吻”恰好正是这样的一张照片。1945年8月14日,日本在二战中正式宣布投降。时代广场之上,一名水兵和一位护士相拥而吻。

  Until just recently, their identities remained a mystery, but with the 67th anniversary of VJ Day coming up Tuesday, the time seemed right for CBS News to reunite them. The photo is one of the most famous from the 20th century -- a moment filled with such spontaneous euphoria it seemed to last forever。随着二战胜利67周年的日子临近,这正好是CBS新闻让这二位过去一直身份不明的两位主角重逢的好时机。这张照片是20世纪最著名的照片之一,它记录下了永久珍藏的狂欢之景。

  "It was the moment. You come back from the Pacific, and finally, the war ends," reflects 89-year-old George Mendonsa, who says he's the sailor in the photograph. The sailor, in uniform, is seen with Greta Friedman, a nurse, in her white uniform。“那时我刚从太平洋回来,接着战争就结束了。” 照片中的水兵,现年89岁的乔治·门德萨回忆道。照片中的水兵身着军装,而那个护士格丽塔·弗里德曼也穿着她的白色护士服。

  As the perfect strangers embraced and kissed, world famous photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt snapped four pictures, taking only ten seconds to do so。目睹着素不相识的陌生人相拥而吻,摄影师阿尔弗雷德·艾森施塔特只用了10秒钟就抓拍了四张,记录下了这个瞬间。

  Greta was a dental assistant on break. George, a first class sailor in the Navy, was on a date with another woman when he heard the news at Radio City Music Hall。当时格丽塔是正在休假的牙医助手。乔治则是海军一等兵。当他在和女友约会,从城市广播里听到了日本投降的消息。

  He and his date then went to a nearby bar, celebrating that he wouldn't have to return to combat. 听到这个好消息,他和当时约会的女友走进附近的酒吧,庆祝他也许再也不会回战场厮杀了。

  "The excitement of the war being over, plus I had a few drinks," George explains. " ... So when I saw the nurse, I grabbed her, and I kissed her."“战争结束了,我实在太高兴了,再加上我喝了点酒,” 乔治解释说,“所以一看到那名护士,我就抱住了她,吻了下去。”


  His date, Rita Petrie, can be seen in the background, smiling from ear-to-ear. She says, "Either I was dopey or something, but it didn't bother me!" Rita said with a laugh about George kissing another woman the first week they were dating. It must not have: She's been married to George for the last 66 years。“胜利之吻”的照片中还能看到他当时的约会对象丽塔·皮特里在背景中咧嘴而笑。她表示:“我可能是太迟钝了,不过我不介意这个吻!” 聊起乔治在他们约会的第一周就当着她的面拥吻别的女人,丽塔边笑边说。值得一提的是,丽塔嫁给了乔治,他们在一起66年了。

  Greta says she's "sure" he saw the photo when it was published in Life magazine, and "of course," she recognized herself. "You don't forget this guy grabbing you!" she remarked。格丽塔则说,当生活杂志把照片刊登出来的时候乔治肯定看到了。当然她也在照片中认出了自己。“我永远忘不了抱住我的那个帅哥!”

  People write George all the time now, asking for autographs, and offering words of encouragement. He described a recent letter, saying the writer "states something like, 'It must be something great to be involved in a photo that means the end of World War II.' Well, I'm proud of that." As is a nation that's still mesmerized by his timeless kiss。很多人至今还在给乔治写信,索要签名并致以赞美之词。有封信这么写:“能够成为象征战争结束的照片中的一部分太了不起了!” 乔治说:“是的,我也为此感到自豪。” 至今他经久不衰的“胜利之吻”仍令万众着迷。


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