
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月02日 14:46   金羊网-新快报

  Some of Apple Inc’s repair policies are against China's laws and harm consumers' rights, Shanghai Daily reported Friday. According to the China Consumers Association, some of Apple's repair clauses regarding personal data protection, information use and compensation were left unchanged in the latest version of its after-sales service policy following similar accusations that were lodged by the association in June. One of the clauses states that users should copy data and remove anything confidential or exclusive before sending Apple's products for repair. "Apple specifically does not warrant that it will be able to repair or replace your product without risk to or loss of programs or data and maintain the confidentiality of data," the association says. The association said repair operators are liable for maintaining the confidentiality of business or personal information, as required by China's appliance repair rules. Thus "Apple should be responsible for keeping the secrecy of data stored in its products during repair," it said. "Most unfair clauses have yet to be addressed or corrected," the CCA said, suggesting that Apple's recent revisions were not enough to fix the issues. Apple promises in its customer privacy policy to take precautionary measures, both administratively and technically, to prevent loss, misuse, exposure or damage of personal information, which means it has the capability to protect personal data, the association said. In total, ten of Apple's repair clauses are said to be "unfair" by the association. It urges Apple to abide by Chinese laws and respect the legal rights of Chinese consumers. Apple could not be reached for comment yesterday. Experts said the adjustments made by Apple are small and vaguely worded。


  列出“十宗罪” 劝其尊重中国消费者



  “十宗罪”包括:一、更换旧件归公司 财产不容自处分;二、零件90天无缺陷 责任承担公司定;三、送修产品受损害 只赔维修、更换费;四、公司有权来维修 数据保密无能力;五、号称适用中国法 冲突法条被排除;六、收集信息你同意 使用范围少制约;七、拒绝维修退产品 理由宽泛可扩大;八、三包期外要维修 零件新旧不清楚 ;九、具体情况不区分 维修运费全自付;十、留置产品可出售 应退余额无规定。





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