双语:如何炼就神一般阅读速度正如培根总结的那样——“书籍好比食品。有些只须浅尝,有些可以吞咽,只有少数需要仔细咀嚼,慢慢品味。所以,有的书只要读其中一部分,有的书只须知其梗概,而对于少数好书,则应当通读,细读,反复读。”——在信息爆炸的今天,学会“一目百行”,炼成快速阅读十分重要。 Use the following tips to readfaster。 参考一下这些提示,学习如何快速阅读。 Control Your Eyes 管住眼球 Leading your eyes with your index finger or pen has been a traditional way tokeep your eyes from nipping all over the page. Using a card or apaper to block what you haveread before, keep the card above the line that your reading, isalso an effective way to control the eyes, it forces you to moveforward。 用手指或笔来当做索引,管住眼球,好让你的眼睛能扫视整个页面,这是个传统的方法。用一张卡片或者是一张纸来盖住你已经阅读完毕的部分,让卡片保持在你所读的文本的上一行,这也是一个行之有效的法子,它迫使你往前读。 Slow and Steady Isn't Fast Enough 稳稳当当可不够快 Our brain has the power to recognize letters in 1/500th of a second,alas we are still spending as much as 1/4th of a second on eachword。 实际上,我们的大脑能在五百分之一秒钟就能识别文字,然而,遗憾的是,我们却还在用四分之一秒来识别每一个字。 Grow OverKindergarten 该长大了 When we are first taught to read weare forced to stress on each and every word, howevergood this conditioning has done for you, it's time to grow up. Ifyou are still paying attention to each and every word, you wouldalso be saying these words in your head, while the trick is to guzzle up words in groups。 我们最开始学阅读的时候,老师们叫我们要一字一句地读,虽然这个方法有其益处,但我们该长大了。如果你还停留在专注一字一句的话,你同时肯定会在心里默念那些文字。而想要快速阅读,其实要一目十行。 Practice 实践 Websites like ZapReader splitsarticles in chucks of 1-10 words. These splits are then thrown atyou with a speed anywhere between 25 to 1,500 words per minute. The rate is obviously decided byyou。 类似ZapReader这样的阅读网站,他们可以让你自主选择阅读速度,选择的范围在一分钟25字到1500字之间。阅读速度全由你决定哦。 Take a Test 测试一下 An average human can consume around 300 words per minute, while guzzling up over 1,500 wordsper minute is a geek's super power. If you are able to break the500 mark barrier then you can call yourself aSpeed-Reader。 一般来说,一个人的阅读速度为:300字每分钟,如果能达到1500字每分钟,那就是神一般的速度了。如果你能过了500字的大关,那么,你就可以称自己为“超人读者”啦!