Lady Gaga爆肥30斤:秀内衣照回击嘲讽(图)   2012年09月27日 10:22   沪江英语
Lady Gaga爆肥30斤Lady Gaga爆肥30斤

  She's come under scrutiny recently after appearing to balloon in weight compared to her usual slender self。自从阿姆斯特丹演唱会展现了不同于往常的臃肿身材之后,Lady Gaga便迎来了更多审视的目光。

  But now Lady Gaga has found one effective way to hit back at her critics - by posing in just her underwear to completely flaunt her physique。不过现在Lady Gaga发现了一种更为有效的回击嘲讽的方法——穿着内衣摆Pose,炫耀自己的好身段。


  The Poker Face hitmaker posted up four separate shocking images on her blog on Tuesday。周二,Gaga在自己的博客主页上放上了四张令人震惊的内衣照。

  And she even admitted in one caption that she has been struggling from eating disorders since childhood, while also opening up to her fans about her weight。她甚至承认从小时候开始,她就与饮食失调搏斗,同时向粉丝坦诚了自己的体重。

  In an open and personal response to recent attacks on her fluctuating figure, Lady Gaga has posted pictures of herself wearing just a bra and underpants on her social networking site with a caption that reads: 'Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15.'面对外界对于她飘忽不定的体重的攻击,Lady Gaga在自己的社交网站上放上了自己只穿内衣和内裤的照片以正视听,并写上:“从十五岁开始,我就同时被暴食症和厌食症折磨。”

  The 26-year-old pop superstar wrote: 'My boyfriend prefers me curvier. When I eat I am healthy and not so worried about my looks, I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been.26岁的她还写道:“我的男友就是喜欢我丰满的身材,我觉得健康才是最重要的,我不会担心自己的身段,我自己活的开心就好。”


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