
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月27日 10:29   沪江英语

  Most of us have nodded off on the early morning train to work。乘火车上班时,我们大部分人肯定打过瞌睡。

  But whereas it would normally mean waking up with a stiff neck, a bizarre invention means people can now comfortably nap anywhere they like - whether it's at a desk, an airport or on a train。这通常意味着我们醒来时脖子会酸疼不已。但是随着一个新奇的发明诞生,人们可以他们喜欢的任意场所舒服地打盹儿:不管是趴在桌子上、在机场,还是在火车上。

  But don't count on being able to catch a sneaky 40 winks during a long business meeting, because the Ostrich Pillow means pulling on what looks like a padded balaclava。但是不要以为参加冗长的商业会议时可以偷偷眯个40秒了,因为鸵鸟枕意味着你要戴上一个像巴拉克拉瓦法软式帽子一样的东西(巴拉克拉法帽: 一种几乎完全围住头和脖子的羊毛兜帽)。

  Ali Ganjavian dreamt up The Ostrich Pillow, a cross between a luxury pillow and a balaclava which wearers can rest their head and hands inside。设计师阿里·甘加微安设计出了鸵鸟枕,它介于豪华枕头和巴拉克拉法帽之间,佩戴者可以把他们的头和手都放进去。


  Mr Ganjavian, 33, hopes his quirky idea will revolutionise the powernap and prove to be a worldwide hit.33岁的甘加薇安希望他这个古怪的想法能带来有质量睡眠的改革,最终在全世界范围内成为热销产品。

  The inventor, who was born in Romsey, Hampshire, said: 'We spend many hours working all day and sleep is an essential part of our day。这位发明者出生于汉普郡的罗姆塞,他说:“我们从早到晚花了许多时间工作,睡眠是我们生活中至关重要的一部分。

  'So I thought why not create a product that can help us unwind at work.' The name is inspired by the way ostriches bury their heads in the sand。“所以我想着为什么不发明一个产品,能够帮助我们在工作的时候放松。” 产品名字灵感来源于鸵鸟把头埋进沙子的方式。

  Mr Ganjavian, who now lives in Madrid, Spain, said: 'I think it's a useful product that makes you smile whenever you see it.'甘加薇安现在居住在西班牙马德里,他说:“我想这是个非常实用的产品,你一看到它,就会微笑。”


  The Ostrich Pillow is made from washable fabric and comes in different colours。鸵鸟枕由可洗织布制成,成品有不同的颜色。

  It has a hole for the wearer's mouth and two 'shelters' above the ears for their hands - ideal if they want to rest their head for a quick snooze。佩戴者的嘴部会留一个孔,另外还有两个在耳朵上方的空隙供双手放置——如果你想让你的头部靠在某个地方,然后快速进入睡眠,那么这是个完美的模型。

  The 50 pound The Ostrich Pillow is already proving popular - clocking up 500 sales in its first week - but Mr Ganjavian says he needs 70,000 to keep going。售价50磅的鸵鸟枕已经被证实是受人欢迎的,在第一周销售量即达到500个。但是甘加微安说他需要70000美元来继续这项发明。

  He's appealing for backing to cover manufacturing and design costs for the product, which he came up with after feeling tired at work。他呼吁大家都来支持这个产品,这样他才能产品的生产和设计成本。而这个产品设计的想法也正是他在工作疲惫后想出来的。

  The pillow is produced by Kawamura Ganjavian Studios, the firm Mr Ganjavian set up with a friend from university in 2000. Previous inventions include the Deskshell, which offers privacy to computer users in open-plan offices。这个枕头由阿瓦穆拉·甘加微安工作室制作,甘加微安在2000年与自己的朋友共同创立了这个工作室。之前他们发明过桌面头罩,为电脑使用者在开放式办公室提供私人空间。


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