
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月28日 17:03   沪江英语
"水果姐"前男友莱维斯身亡 疑似杀死房东在先"水果姐"前男友莱维斯身亡 疑似杀死房东在先

  Sons of Anarchy actor Johnny Lewis has been found dead outside of a murdered 81-year-old woman’s home, TMZ reports.Police believe that the 28-year-old actor murdered the unidentified female and was on some sort of PCP or meth drugs.

  Johnny reportedly was renting a room from the elderly woman. He was found dead, lying in the driveway outside of the home.Best known for his work on Sons of Anarchy, Johnny also had a role on The O.C.. It also is believed that he dated Katy Perry back in 2006.

  Our thoughts go out to the victim’s family and friends during this difficult time.

  FX美剧《混乱之子》男星强尼莱维斯(Johnny Lewis)于美国当地时间9月26日被发现坠楼身亡,他的死在好莱坞掀起了轩然大波,因为警方怀疑,他杀掉了81岁的房东太太Catherine Davis,将楼上的房间洗劫,并且虐杀了一只猫。

  洛杉矶警察局发言人Andrew Smith称:“这绝对是一起可怕的悲剧,死者是从高处坠落致死,从楼梯、杨太或者屋顶。现在对这起案件最好的猜测便是,死者和他的房东太太发生了某种程度的争吵,却导致了房东太太的死亡。然后死者跑到外面,和一些邻居发生口角,然后回到屋内。当警察到现场之后,他已经坠楼,并且在车道上莫名死亡。”警方曾接到911报警电话,不过当时只是报警者听到了尖叫声。两人死亡的原因还未知。



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