杨幂探访好莱坞 与吸血鬼日记主演互动

2012年10月31日11:36  沪江英语 微博   
Yang Mi's meeting with Paula Yang Mi's meeting with Paula

  Well tonight we will have an American style BBQ to welcome yang mi officially. Hello Hollywood will be filming it all for china broadcast. There will be over 100 producers, directors, writers, musicians, coming to say hello。

  中国演员杨幂此番好莱坞之行虽然没有公布具体日程,但是可以肯定的是杨幂的日程非常的满,不仅和吸血鬼日记的Bonnie女巫,《美国偶像》前评委Paula Abdul、好莱坞著名音乐制作人warren G、电影《十二生肖》的法国女主演Laura Weissbecker亲密合,还赠送了极具中国特色的礼物。Metan Development Group总裁Larry Namer更邀请了好莱坞百位名人为杨幂举行欢迎舞会,尽显对杨幂的重视他同时也在微博上表达了对杨幂的欣赏。

Yang Mi is talking with LauraYang Mi is talking with Laura

  Here is a picture from the BBQ last night. Yang Mi is talking with Laura Weiss-Becker who is the female star in the new Jackie Chan movie, Chinese Zodiac. What is really interesting is that they are speaking in Chinese. Laura speaks it really well now。

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