The parents of a suicidal boy shot by a sniper say they never would have called the police if they had known authorities would bring in “an army” with a tank and riot shields to take down their 16 year old。美国一名16岁少年企图自杀,父母报警求助,警察竟将男孩击毙。他的父母表示,如果他们早知道警方会出动装备坦美特警击毙自杀少年遭谴责新浪教育 克和防暴警察的特警部队来对付孩子,他们绝对不会报警。
Lisa and Nick Messina spoke out for the first time this week on the May 1 shooting, offering the media a side of the story son Andrew didn’t live to tell。本周,男孩的父母丽莎和尼克首次在媒体上披露5月1日枪击案的细节,向媒体讲述了他们的儿子安德鲁生前最后时刻的故事。
On the day he was shot in his family’s suburban Atlanta home, the boy was upset over a bad grade at school。安德鲁在亚特兰大郊区的家中被击毙。当天他因为在学校的考试成绩很糟糕而郁郁寡欢。
"He just got sad and kind of down on himself and talked about running away,” Nick told a local CBS affiliate. “And that discussion turned to ending his life. And I wasn't home。”“安德鲁很伤心,对自己有些失望,说了想要离家出走的话。” 安德鲁的父亲尼克在哥伦比亚广播公司的节目中说,“最后话题转到要自杀。当时我不在家。”
Things happened fast after that discussion. Andrew went upstairs, returning with a.357 Magnum in one hand, bullets in the other, and told his mother he wanted to end his life。这些谈话之后一切发生得很快。安德鲁上了楼,然后拿了把357口径的马格南手枪回来了,另一只手里还拿着子弹,对母亲说他想结束生命。
Panicked, she called the police to come and talk him down, but instead, an army of deputies, an armoured tank and a sniper arrived at their Towne Lake home who eventually shot the boy dead after he smashed a door window with the handgun. 安德鲁的母亲顿时惊慌失措,她打电话报警并试图说服儿子。但随即大量警力赶到他们位于Towne Lake的家中,其中包括一辆装甲坦克和一名狙击手。狙击手在男孩用手枪打碎门上玻璃的时候将其击毙。
"They brought an army to take out a 16-year-old boy. To kill a 16-year-old boy," Andrew’s father said。“他们用一个部队的武力来解决一个16岁孩子的问题,而且还打死了他。” 安德鲁的父亲尼克说。
As the police waited outside, Andrew recorded a dramatic video of himself drinking, pacing around the front room of the house and speaking to his father。当警察等在屋外的时候,安德鲁用摄影机拍下了自己一边喝酒在房间里踱步,一边和外面的父亲通话的惊心场景。
"I do know personally I really don't want to live. So you should just let this happen if you really love me," Andrew can be heard saying to his father。“我知道自己真的不想再活下去了,如果你爱我,就别拦着我。” 录像中安德鲁这样对他的父亲说。
Andrew’s video also records his phone conversation with negotiators, in which he tells police he is merely angry and that he wanted to speak with his father。安德鲁的录像中也记录下了他和谈判专家的通话,通话中他告诉警察自己只是很生气,并表示想要和他父亲通话。
In the minutes before their son’s death, Nick and Lisa watched as sniper Jason Yarbrough walked past them in camouflage, the rifle he would use to shoot their son slung over his shoulder。就在儿子被击毙的几分钟前,安德鲁的父母看到狙击手杰森·亚伯勒身着迷彩从他们面前经过,肩上扛着他的来福枪,几分钟后就是用这把枪杀了他们的儿子。
Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison maintains that the shooting was necessary, that Andrew was violent and that if they had not taken serious action, the boy would have killed someone on his police team。切罗基县警长罗杰·加里森事坚持认为击毙安德鲁是必要的。他说安德鲁当时很狂暴,如果不采取严厉措施,他可能对警察造成伤亡。
Months later, Lisa says she wishes that team had never been called in the first place. "That's the one thing I would have done different today. I would not have called 911," she said. 几个月后的现在,丽莎说她希望自己当时一开始就没有叫警察来。“我原本不应该那么做的,我不该报警的。” 她说。