无论是北京的三环四环五环,还是上海的内环中环外环,只要到上下班的rush hour,基本上就只能见到人头攒动、车水马龙的景象了。公车、地铁里更是一幅人挤人、排长龙的壮观画面。百万人口以上的城市通勤时间长已经不是新闻了,而现在由官方机构公布的数据更是让“首都=首堵”名副其实了。城市上班族一声吼:每天上班花费时间超过45分钟的上班族伤不起啊!
Your Commute is Slowly Killing You上下班时间长等于慢性自杀?
Stop us if you've heard this one before: long commutes are bad for your health. Some of the strongest recent findings in behavioral science have focused on the perils of a long ride to work. People with a lengthy commute show an increased amount of stress, get worse sleep, and experience decreased social interaction. A commute of 45 minutes carries such a cost to well-being that economists have found you have to earn 20 percent more to make the trip worth it. 如果你听过这个说法,就让我打住:上下班时间长对身体有害。最近的行为科学研究有了些有力的发现,证明长时间的通勤时间会带来各种危害。通勤时间长会使压力增大,睡眠变差,社交活动减少。如果你每天的上下班时间要花掉45分钟的话,那么你要多赚五分之一的薪水才能弥补。
One reason for the linear association among transit riders is most likely that longer transit rides often involve transfers. That not only increases the length of the trip but also its unpredictability (waiting for several different arrivals), its variability (some trips take much longer than others), and its potential for crowding — all factors that have been shown to increase the stress of the commute。造成上述结果的原因之一可能是由于上下班时间长的人在途中可能需要换乘。换乘不仅会增加交通的时间,而且还增加了不可预测性(要等不同的班次),这种变化性(有些班次花得时间可能更长),还有潜在的拥挤情况,都增大了通勤途中的压力。