美国女硕士提供“陪抱”服务 1小时60美元

2012年11月12日16:26  沪江英语 微博   

  Spooning peacefully in a double bed, this pair could be any normal couple on a Sunday morning。一对“夫妻”安静的拥抱在双人床上,这是再正常不过的周日早晨。

  But revisit the scene an hour later and Jackie Samuel, a University of Rochester graduate student, will be curled up in the arms of another man。一个小时之后再看还是这样的场景,只不过女主人杰姬-塞缪尔投入了另一个男人的怀抱,杰姬是就读于罗切斯特大学的研究生。

  The 29-year-old is a professional cuddler. She turned to snuggling with strangers to help pay for her studies and provide for her young son.29岁的杰姬是一名专业的“拥抱师”,为了有钱继续研究课题和养活儿子,她用与陌生人搂抱收费这种方式来赚取收入。


  She can make $260 a day and cuddles with up to 30 men a week - including pensioners and war veterans。她每天能赚260美金,每周会跟多大30个男人拥抱,其中包括领退休金的老人和退伍军人。

  However, her business 'The Snuggery' has not gone unnoticed and her college has threatened to expel her - while others have called her a prostitute。然而她的“舒适之家”小店太多特立独行,想低调都难。学校已经威胁会开除她,还有许多其他人说她是妓女。

  She said: 'I think I was born knowing how to snuggle. Snuggling is healthy, spiritual and fun。她说:“我觉得自己生下来就懂得如何拥抱。拥抱是健康的,也是能净化心灵的。我觉得非常有趣。


  'I think clients come to me for all different kinds of reasons. Some of my older clients, their wives have passed away, and they just need someone to be with, like someone to experience touch with。“我的客人们因为不同的原因来找我寻求拥抱。有一些年纪大的客人,他们的妻子去世的早,他们只是需要有个人在身边,体验一下触碰的感觉。”

  'Some of the younger clients are between relationships, some are in problematic relationships, and some people are just really curious and they come to just find out what it's going to be like.'“有些年轻的顾客感情状况不稳定,还有一些与爱人之间的感情存在诸多问题,而有些人只是出于好奇,想来看看到底是什么样。”

  Jackie advertises her services online and charges $60 an hour. 杰姬在线宣传了她的服务,她每小时收费60美金。

  The cuddling can take place anywhere around her cottage in Rochester, New York, but most clients opt to use her large double bed。你可以在纽约罗切斯特的任何地方选择进行这一服务,但大多数客户都选择她的那张双人床。

  They are banned from touching parts of her body covered by underwear, which she wears under pyjamas。她陪睡时禁止别人抚摸她的身体,而且会穿着睡衣。

  The business has done so well she has even hired another snuggling professional, Colleen. Her apprentice has yet to take on a client by herself but has joined Jackie on two occasions in what they have termed a 'double cuddle'。杰姬的“舒适之家”生意很红火,她最近甚至还新雇了一位专业拥抱师科伦。科伦还没单独接待过客人,只是和杰姬一起为客人提供过“陪抱”服务,他们称之为“双人抱”。

  Despite her strict rules on sexual activity, Jackie has received a barrage of emails and phone calls slamming her as a prostitute。尽管她的规定里明令禁止性行为,但还是有不少人发邮件和打电话指责她是妓女。

  She added: 'Some have said I am worse than a prostitute because they think snuggling is more intimate than sex. I've been told I'm monetizing love.'她说:“有些人说我比妓女还过分,因为他们认为拥抱比性更亲密,他们说我是在出卖爱。”

  One of her repeat customers, who would only give his name as Tim, disagrees with her critics. He said Jackie's cuddles had helped him following a bad break-up and described the sessions as 'meditative'。她的一个老顾客蒂姆不同意这些指责。他说在一次惨痛的分手后杰姬的拥抱给了他很多帮助,并把这个过程称之为“冥想式拥抱”。

  He even said he would continue to see her while in a relationship. 'There's no cheating element, it's not immoral,' he said。他还说即使开始了新的恋情还是会过来找她。他说“这并不存在什么欺骗,也不是不道德的。”

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